Tripmaster V2.0 Beta is ready


Thanks, A720USER, those instructions did the trick. Why 1.8a would show up in Home and install and 2BETA would not, I don't know. By following your steps, installing 1.8, fixing the screen, then deleting and switching with Beta2, and it appears to be running now.
I'll road test tomorrow.
Thanks for your work runarg. I have 2.10 installed, and will send along any comments from my trials.
The use of the "course" parameter is changed in B10. I tested it today and I think that it works great now:)
In earlier versions, in order to log a "course" log point, you had to turn x degrees from one processing period to the next. In B10, a "course" log point is written when you have turned more than x degrees from your last "course" log point. That means that if f.ex looking at your log in GoogleEarth, the logged route will follow turns much better than before.
Test it and comment here!
The use of the "course" parameter is changed in B10. I tested it today and I think that it works great now:)

+1 :D

the flashing problem in the navigation pane when using the audible speed alarm is gone now too. Thanks roussillat!
Thanks, A720USER, those instructions did the trick. Why 1.8a would show up in Home and install and 2BETA would not, I don't know. By following your steps, installing 1.8, fixing the screen, then deleting and switching with Beta2, and it appears to be running now.
I'll road test tomorrow.
Thanks for your work runarg. I have 2.10 installed, and will send along any comments from my trials.

Is it true that one needs to delete Tripmaster 1.8 after installing TM 2.0?? I thought that 1.8 needed to remain on the TT unit in order to set the different parameters. 2.0 does not have its own menu screen for setting units, screens, etc
My only question is. On my tt1 3rd edition the running times are shifted to the right a little. Actually the seconds cover the dividing line in the middle. Is this fixable?

No you don't need to uninstall 1.8. Just don't run them at the same time.
I think if you scroll down on the main page for Tripmaster, you will find what you are looking for.

I just did the install, but have not driven anywhere. TT1 XL-S

I get 7 sat online.

My altitude fluctuates between 60 and 180 ft while it is sitting on my desk.

Along with the inclination going from up, flat and down. Looks like I am tracking the average altitude differences between the Sats!

The compass graphic does not update.

I do not get a response to pushing on the settings Icon.

It boots much faster than 1.8a

I do not have an icon to return when minimizing Tripmaster

The display appears to be shifted a couple of pixels. I use Imperial and the h on Mph on the right side of the screen only shows the vertical portion of the h (no hump).

Is Off Road going to have some work done on it too? It also could use some improvement for V7.

Thanks for your hard work. I am sure this is trial and error on your part without the SDK!
I was wondering if anybody cannot get to the setupon the tripmaster2.0? I installed it like the insructions show and I see thecompassand everything, but I can't get into the setup to change to US measures (ie mph instead of km). I see the emblem in the bottom right corner, but it doesn't do anything whenI click on it. Any help would be appreciated.
I was wondering if anybody cannot get to the setupon the tripmaster2.0? I installed it like the insructions show and I see thecompassand everything, but I can't get into the setup to change to US measures (ie mph instead of km). I see the emblem in the bottom right corner, but it doesn't do anything whenI click on it. Any help would be appreciated.
There is no correction for that, it happened after Tom Tom updated the firmware. Birdman did find a way to work around it though. Look here...
Just installed v1.8. and v2b10

Just installed programs last night on TT1 NE v7.162 maps 7.15.

I understand you cannot use v2b10 configuration setup. If I use the 1.8 config setup, the screen will partially garble for a period, when I press "SAVE". If I try to change a number or text field, the screen goes to complete garble while saving. I tap around the screen and it eventually comes back, but I cannot change the parameters. The radio buttons work fine.

I have the screenadaptation set to "rider2", is that correct for a ONE?

Does v2b10 use the same config file set by v1.8 in the same unit?

Would it be better to just delete the v1.8 icon and only set the v2b10 config with the text editor?

BTW: Notepad does not give me line breaks in this file. Everything is one long line of text for me. It does wrap. Anyone else have this?
Does v2b10 use the same config file set by v1.8 in the same unit?
Yes, the same file.

Would it be better to just delete the v1.8 icon and only set the v2b10 config with the text editor?
Yes, that's what I have done and what I show in my flash demo.

BTW: Notepad does not give me line breaks in this file. Everything is one long line of text for me. It does wrap. Anyone else have this?
That's normal. It's better to use Wordpad, Textpad or other editors where yo see the line breaks.
The TripMaster seems very slow to react to any selection or button click. Is that normal for the One? If I click 0_0 it will take 5-10 seconds to respond. Clicking the speed to select a speed limit will bring the selection screen up in about 3-5 seconds, slecting a speed will respond after about 5 seconds. Is there any way to spped this reation time?

Also, the altitude is usually a negative number (I have seen as large as -114 ft). I live in a flat area mostly 20-200 feet above sea level. Is there any parameter to adjust?
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