Changes I Would Like To See In The 920

Hello everyone,

The one thing I would love to see on the 920 would be a more reliable ETA. The algorythm would be so easy to update by the TomTom Engineers, but nobody wants to do it. An example would be to drive 700KM at 100KM/hr doesn't take 14hrs. It takes 7hrs or less if you're going above the speed limit of course. If you have all the satellites establishing your speed, they can easily establish a time factor.
Other than that, it is a great piece of technology! :eek:

Take care everyone,

The new maps with the latest firmware DO provide an improvement on ETA. A factor in the estimates is the average speed of a road and time of day estimates. With firmware 815(I think that was it), they added support for an advanced IQ Routes which, when used with the 825 maps, has a time of day average speed, not just a day of the week average speed for roads.

Now, you look at 700KM and 100KM/hour as absolutes, without taking into account the roads involved. If you have an open road with no other cars, then yes, you would be looking at only 7 hours, but if the route has the potential for traffic, then it MAY take quite a bit longer. As I said though, the estimates are based on information in the maps you use, so if you never update your Tomtom with new firmware and stick to the old maps, you may find the accuracy a lot worse than if you fully updated.
My priority list:

1) Add a road via mapshare
2) Preference for browse mode while navigating (tapping will move the map rather than opening a menu)
3) Tapless speech recognition - eg by some type of voice keyword
4) A preference to decrease or shut off the 5 min u-turn delay
5) HD traffic via bluetooth
6) Razr2 bluetooth support
7) Time of day map features (road restrictions / turn restrictions)

Unlike others, I don't care about FM / MP3 capabilities. If you can shell out $$ for a 920, you should also be able to shell out $$ to buy a good Sirius/MP3 car tuner. FM radio stinks.

Other request - partner with Alpine/Kenwood/Pionner (or someone similar) and make an aftermarket in-dash tomtom/radio with at least a 7 inch screen.
Regarding your point 3.....

Apparently the European x40 models have that now with some 65-70 voice commands.
The x40 can recognise 125 different spoken commands, although quite a few are simply different ways of saying what you want the device to do:

2D Map
2D Map View
2D View

All the above give the same result, remembering the TomTom "dictonary" isn't too easy though, and to use the feature you still have to either tap the screen to activate the voice recognition or press the remote control.
I am sure the x20/ x30 devices could use this speech recognition for control purposes in the same way as the x40, the memory and processor are the same, whether we will ever see this on the older devices is down to TomTom - Mike
I wonder if the x20/x30 models might get this feature via a future firmware update?

Typically the answer to that is, it will be mostly a business decision, based on this question: Is there enough value in the feature that people would be willing to upgrade or pay more for a newer model to get it?

There's also the side question of whether it takes additional processing power to distinguish among the new commands. If so, I think the x20/x30 models are pretty much tapped out in terms of what they can do simultaneously.

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