XXL 540TM not functioning correctly after updating to 1025 map

Sep 29, 2017
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
GO620 GO2405,
The first problem i noticed was that the Favorites Gold star icon was grayed out. So not surprisingly, it didn't respond when I tapped it. I did a hard reset with drum role but could never get it to work.
I called Customer Support and all he could do was send me the email below.
Using the "reset/restore" process in FAQ's, I reformatted the internal drive. Still no luck. I then removed the 1025 map and installed an older one.
While it does connect to GPS sat's, that is the screen turns to colors, and I get the legal notice page, the screen does not respond to any touches.
Is it a brick for good or does anyone have anything else I should try?
Thank you

Stephen, as discussed, you are using one of our legacy devices. So, unfortunately we will be unable to provide any technical support over the phone or through email. However, we are offering online support for End of Life devices. You can access the TomTom website, public FAQs and User Forum to seek assistance for further troubleshooting by referring to the below mentioned links:

TomTom Support FAQs

TomTom Support Videos

TomTom User Forum

At TomTom, we work hard to bring you the best navigation devices. A big part of this work is to continuously improve the quality of the maps, services and software that your navigation device runs on. It has become clear that some of our older generation navigation devices do not have sufficient resources to run the newest maps and software available. We will continue to provide Quick GPS fix updates. So, your device will continue to function as it does now, but your map will become out of date and hence navigation will be less accurate. For this reason, as of January 2018, we have had to stop software updates and the sale of map updates and other servicesfor such devices. Your trusted device will still work efficiently, but you will no longer be able to buy any further map updates.

Once you connect an End of Life device to the Computer and login to the TomTom Support Software (TomTom Home/MyDrive Connect), you will get an option to buy a replacement device with a promotional discount.

You can find out more information about our obsolete products, list of End of Life devices and offers related to these products:

Obsolete products

I hope the above information helps and I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

With Kind Regards,

James S.
TomTom Customer Support
Per CS:
Once you connect an End of Life device to the Computer and login to the TomTom Support Software (TomTom Home/MyDrive Connect), you will get an option to buy a replacement device with a promotional discount.

In my opinion, if the above did not happen when you connected, unless you over looked that to get on with things, you should demand to get your previous map back.
Thanks for your reply Arno.
Yes, i did overlook this "warning". I later realized that maybe trying to install the 1025 caused the malfunction and that's when I decided to load an old map. While the "manage my device" screens showed I had 14 maps on my pc, it showed only two available to install on my device. One was the 1025 and the other was something starting with 9xxx but not the most recent before the 1025. I had been updating the map at least twice a year.
You should still have all of the maps you have downloaded over time located in your documents folder, in a folder called TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\map
Granted, Home should see them, but let's sure it is not missing something. Look at the most recent folders you find in the map folder per above.

You can tell the version of map in each of the folders you see there by inspecting the *.toc file with any text editor. Right at the top it shows
<Version>1020.9245</Version> or something similar. In that < example, it is version 1020.
OK I will look for the most recent before 1025. Will I be able to "move" it to the tab that allows it to be loaded?

I found the file. No sure you can read it The .TOC file seems small. There are two zip files. I'm thinking the one that is 1.6GB is the map. If so, how do it move it to the HOME app?
In the HOME program, in the tab titled "Remove items from the computer" 15 maps are listed. I need to move one to the tab titled "Items on computer to be installed". I think first I need to remove the installed V1025. Right?
The one I screen printed was dated (on my pc) dec 2018. Looking the maps displayed in HOME I did find v.1020.9270. I assume that's the one above. OK I will try to use the directions in your linked file.
With any luck, that will deal with your original malfunction. Keep us posted.
I read the instructions to say I'm to extract two zip files. Do I do the extraction in My Documents file or do I move the two zip files to the device's "internal" file and then extract them?
If I try to move the entire folder that includes the map it says the device needs more space. It says "frees space - 1.87GB and total space - 1.91 GB.
Just so that we are 100% clear, you will need to OPEN the file on your PC called Eastern_US_and_Canada.zip with your favorite zip tool and copy the CONTENTS of that over to the Eastern_US_and_Canada folder on your device.
Your folks are theee Best!! Your knowledge and patience allowed me to get my old device up and operating correctly!! Yes I was able to load map version 1020.9276. And you also taught me that this device won't take any new maps.
Sorry that your 540XXL is now 'end of life', but very glad to hear you are back up and running at 1020 map again.
From here on out, you'll only see the little incremental map updates from Mapshare, and that never includes anything major like new roads, etc. Depending upon where you drive, that might not be a big deal, but if you're in an area that is being continually developed, a new unit may be in your future at some point 'down the road'.
Not a real big deal cuz I'm in Connecticut and drive pretty much only in New England and NYC. And I'm 75, so not in a big rush. :))
Thanks again.
I found this thread after I updated to myXXL540TM to the 1025 map. Unlike Fred9x my update worked perfectly. This is the fourth map update along with a couple of updates to TomTom Home since it was declared EOL. I tested the latest map today while out picking up my grand daughter from school. I've got you by a year Fred9x, I'm 76.
Good for you Tom! Sounds like life can't get much for you - you get to see your granddaughter and your old GPS is still updating! Thanks for your info. I'm not sure if I will try to update my XXL540 anytime soon. But I have learned a lot recently from this forum so I might try.

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