Latest map version for XXL540TM?

Mar 12, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
I have map version 880.3862. What is the latest map version for XXL540TM. Mine came with lifetime updates.
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I have map version 880.3862. What is the latest map version for XXL540TM. Mine came with lifetime updates.

Four map releases a year, at aprox. 3 moth intervals:
v875 maps released 16th August 2011
v880 maps released 15th November 2011
v885 maps released 17th February 2012

v890 maps due in three weeks

Did you REGISTER for the lifetime map updates, using the special number on a card in the packaging? Many report difficulties registering on the TT website so it is best to do it by phoning them (866-486-6866 in the US).
Thanks Andy
Yes I registered it in the spring of 2011 and updated it a while back. I guess that was in the fall. Right now I am using AT&T internet service with a USB data devise and I have 5 gigabyte per month usage. The download is about a gig and a half, so I have to watch that I don't go over.
I don't know why TT doesn't just send the updates instead of sending the whole file over again each time one updates.

thanks Ken
I don't know why TT doesn't just send the updates instead of sending the whole file over again each time one updates.

You mean like the MapShare updates?

Unfortunately, that's not the way the mapping works... The MapShare files are just minor "tweaks" to the attributes of the existing map items (e.g. on a road it's the speed limit, direction of traffic, turn restrictions, road name etc.)

But the basic map data you see consists of only four or five enormous files, one for the "nodes", one for the "lines" between them, one for the "faces" or blocks, one for the "names" of everything, and finally, the single file containing all the POI details.
None of those are designed for "add-ons".
I don't pretend to understand how it all works. But In my mind, updating is adding new stuff to the old file. And If that were the case I can't see having to download a gig and a half of info, which seems like we are rewriting all the files over again. That's what is seems like to me anyway.
Ah, but it can (and often is) SUBTRACTING 'stuff' from the old file as well, in addition to modifying things that were already there. The result would be even messier than the existing MapShare arrangement, which in itself causes the unit to have to review multiple files in order to put together a whole picture.

Based upon the way the system of files is constructed, I can see why they (along with their competitors) simply release the entire package in its entirety each time.

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