Online routing is often incorrect.

Jun 19, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/au.png" alt="Australia" /> Australia
TomTom Model(s)
TmoTom Go app
Routing from Gold Coast to Canberra

Without online routing 1077km straight down the M1

With online routing (sometimes as above but often) 1369km and 4hr longer by routing up through Brisbane and then inland through Goodiwindi.

This applies both to Android and iOS devices so my strong recomendation is to use TomTomGo, as it was designed (offline) or if you need to use it online, then turn off online routing.

PS This is not the only time that online routing has messed up. Maybe it is using an AI algorithym rathen than just the raw road data to make it's decisions.
It's a bit normal offline Tomtom does not take into account any traffic jams or slowdowns on your route.

The connection to the Tomtom service takes into account any traffic jams or slowdowns on your route.
It's a bit normal offline Tomtom does not take into account any traffic jams or slowdowns on your route.

The connection to the Tomtom service takes into account any traffic jams or slowdowns on your route.
Yes, that makes perfect sense, except that in this case there are never any traffic jams or slowdowns on this route and have not been for over two years now.

In fact the only possibility of any slowdown is on the route chosen by the online routing up towards Brisbane.

It indicates thet the traffic analysis must be seriously flawed. Is it possible that it is taking trip times from heavy goods vehicles going down the M1 who have to make lenghtly stop to avoid fatigue accidents?

It is unfortunate that the extreme nature of this particular routing error tends to cause an immediate and complete loss of confidence in online routing.

Maybe short routes in urban areas where "rush hours" occur are handeled well with online routing.
Have you checked the routing choice settings?
It’s not set to ‘senic’ or ‘avoid motorways’ or suchlike?
Have you checked the routing choice settings?
It’s not set to ‘senic’ or ‘avoid motorways’ or suchlike?
Yes, my routing choices are
Prefered route type: fast
Avoid: -nothing
Rerouting: Manual

And these are the same for when I use online or offline routing.

I can (while logged in) turn online routing off andf then it will route down the M1 but if I turn online routing on it uses the +4h route up through Brisbane. It does this consistantly both from Android and iOS.

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