Online Manual for TT 2535M?

Dec 23, 2007
Mid-West USA
TomTom Model(s)
One 3rd Edition
Does anyone have a link so that I can download the manual and study it before my 2535M arrives? Thanks!
Many thanks! I've only got two days between the arrival of this TomTom and a long road trip to Washington state and northern California. So getting a jump on the manual will help.
A piece of advice ..........

Do NOT attempt any updates using the required MyTomTom (get it at before your trip!
A piece of advice ..........

Do NOT attempt any updates using the required MyTomTom (get it at before your trip!

Thanks for the warning. I have an iMac and have previously used TomTom Home for a 540. Can I use my same Mac User account on the iMac and download whatever is at


A piece of advice ..........

Do NOT attempt any updates using the required MyTomTom (get it at before your trip!
Okay I followed the link and installed MyTomTom on my iMac. I'll have the 2535 in my hands tomorrow. I should just plug it in then and I assume I'll get prompts to register the new device. Can this MyTomTom live side by side with Home for an older TomTom 540 under the same Mac user account?

The 2535 requires MyTomTom at not Home 2 like the 540 uses and use a different email address when you do register the new unit. Don't use the same one as you have for the 540.
Thanks for all of the advice. Everything went well on the install and connection to MyTomTom.

I'll be taking the 2535M for a test run tomorrow. I'd like to see that the HD Traffic is running.
The TT wi ll work just fine for your impending trip without any attempt at updating!! Once you return go through the update procedures with a new account [the email used as username need not be real, just ion the right form [[email protected]]. There are indications that cleaning ALL previous TT Home related files may also help My TomTom work correctly (to its current limitations).

All this because there is a chance (exactly how great is unclear) that the initial update process can trigger some failure - I lost the European map from a GO 2535TM WTE - which may require the TT to be replaced by customer service.

These new models are good devices but seem to still have some rough edges to them.

The TT wi ll work just fine for your impending trip without any attempt at updating!! Once you return go through the update procedures with a new account [the email used as username need not be real, just ion the right form [[email protected]]. There are indications that cleaning ALL previous TT Home related files may also help My TomTom work correctly (to its current limitations).

All this because there is a chance (exactly how great is unclear) that the initial update process can trigger some failure - I lost the European map from a GO 2535TM WTE - which may require the TT to be replaced by customer service.

These new models are good devices but seem to still have some rough edges to them.


This is the exact reason I was afraid to go through the initial updates. I had a 740 Live and initially used before updating and it worked fine. When I got back from a trip from Boston the next update killed the Live services. TT admitted it was their servers and it would be several weeks before they got it sorted out. They also would not credit me for the lost time on the Live subscription.

I guess I'm a glutton for punishment as a year later I've jumped on a 2535. Luckily the update I did do last night did not do anything unwanted.

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