Problem Updating New 335 SE Unit w/ Online Map: Disk Space Error?

Sep 30, 2010
My brand new 335 SE downloaded the updated map (North America 2GB) but
is saying "there is not enough space for temporary files on
drive C:/. Please use Disk Cleanup....(etc)"

I just cleared 3GB out of C:/ and restarted the computer....still not
able to 'Install to Internal Memory'.

Any suggestions?

Welcome to TTF.

Interesting error message. If we are to take it at face value, you have to remember that a downloaded compressed file of say 1.8 gigs will require much more space when it expands on the local drive prior to installation on the unit.


Have you cleared temporary internet files, anything in the temp folders, etc.

Do this:
Start-->Run and type in %temp%

A folder will open up. See what you can delete in there.
Welcome to TTF.

Interesting error message. If we are to take it at face value, you have to remember that a downloaded compressed file of say 1.8 gigs will require much more space when it expands on the local drive prior to installation on the unit.


Have you cleared temporary internet files, anything in the temp folders, etc.

Do this:
Start-->Run and type in %temp%

A folder will open up. See what you can delete in there.

This may sound silly, but I try not to engage in any 'Start-->Run' actions on my computer after I took some online advice and got stuck in a weird screen and couldn't get back online to figure out what was happening. Had to get in the car and go to the local library to figure out what was up.

Anyway, anything else? I guess just keep throwing unwanted files overboard until enough space is available? I just did an official Disk Cleanup that deleted Temp Files (etc) and it's saying the exact same thing.

Thanks though.

There's now 3.5 GB of free space in C Drive.
Guess it's a good thing I didn't plunk down any extra money for Dennis Hopper's voice work, eh?
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Did you empty your recycle bin after you deleted all the files?

The "available space" indicator on windows doesn't count files in the recycle bin.

You need about 4GB free for Tomtom maps: 2GB for the compressed download, and another 2GB for the uncompressed files prior to install.

Also, try downloading this program, it's the best I've seen at identifying large files you may not know about.
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