Problem updating using TomTom Home

Jan 29, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
I am not able to update my 901 using TomTom Home. TomTom consider my 901 to be legacy equipment and no longer supported by their email or phone support, pity because my Speed Camera alerts subscription is still valid as are my quarterly map updates for many more months still. Makes me think about jumping ship in future to Garmin.

Usually I use my netbook to update my 901 but recently have bought back into service an older desktop PC which I used before for updating. I haven't updated my TomTom for several weeks so wasn't surprised when a list of speed camera updates appeared. As soon as I agreed to update, a message appeared about a missing TOC file. After searching for solutions, playing around and clean re-installs of 2.8 Home, I've managed only partially updates, (perhaps only Quick Fix and Map Corrections). The only speed camera updates I've subsequently been shown are for Eastern European countries, Western Europe hasn't reappeared since I got the TOC error message. I know I haven't observed any updating of speed cameras for Western European countries.

Eventually I switched to using my netbook, which only finds Map Corrections -of which probably there should have been none as I'd just updated these using my desktop PC. If I decline having these updates on the netbook strangely my desktop PC on the other hand reports that there are no updates available. Back to the netbook and Map Corrections are still available for my 901.

I'm 99.99% certain that there are Western European camera alerts still to be downloaded and installed. perhaps also updates for the map I purchased. I would like to use two different PCs to update my 901, is there a problem with this? Is there a problem because my the original map was for the whole of Europe and the map I purchased last year with quarterly updates was for Western Europe only?

Can anyone shed any light on what's happening? [FONT=&quot]Help![/FONT]
First of all, I assume you mean a 910 model, not a 901 (there wasn't one)

A different map may account for incompatible safety_cameras being installed.

All that said, many who are **serious** about a reliable, current database of safety cameras don't even bother with TomTom's data; instead, they subscribe to a 3rd party data set.

Many use this one:
Thanks dhn, yes it's a 910.

I may have also made another error. Reviewing my subscriptions it appears that my speed camera subscription ended some while ago in September 2011. The last annual renewal was 27th April 2010 when I was given an additional bonus of 6 months. I can find no email from TomTom reminding me that my subscription for speed camera alerts was about to lapse as they had done approaching previous anniversaries, perhaps receiving the 6 month bonus might have affected things. Odd too that 2 days ago I was shown a list of Western European camera updates which disappeared for no apparent reason yet despite this I'm still being offered camera updates for some Central/Eastern European countries.

A further mystery is that the speed camera alert files on my TomTom 910 for the UK were updated on 28th November 2011, several weeks after my subscription would have lapsed.

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