mapshare not available

Is this for trying to make a correction via mapshare or trying to receive mapshare corrections?

It just came out hours ago so maybe no corrections are there to be offered, yet.
Is this for trying to make a correction via mapshare or trying to receive mapshare corrections?

It just came out hours ago so maybe no corrections are there to be offered, yet.
Actually, it's stranger than that. After the 855 update, Home advises that the map is more than 20 months out of date, and that Mapshare is temporarily unavailable. Too weird. Yet another fascinating piece of work by the Home application team. Neither are correct. The map is (obviously) not 20 months out of date, and the Mapshare service seems to be working just fine.
i updated yesterday and it said 20 weeks out of date and it also said Mapshare is temporarily not available now at this writing i try my tomtom again and i could not log in my account it said the server was down . so maybe something is being fixed i try again tomm and see
That faulty error message about maps being 20 weeks out of date and mapshares not working is appearing for everyone.

Just ignore it...............
My GPS actually does need updating with map share. However it keeps telling me the 20 week message, but when I go ahead and click activation code, it tells me an error has occurred and try again later.. Does anyone have any idea how long it might be before I can update?
This may not be a faulty error. It's entirely possible that TomTom accidently took the 850 map and gave it a new version number. If this is true then the message would be entirely accurate. Nobody seems to have noticed any updates in the 855 maps so you never know.
855 is a new map. It may not have many changes in a specific geographical region, but it does have changes.
I get the error every time i try to update.
Says mapshare unavailable or box comes up with an error has acured message.
I also got this same error when right after loading 855 so its something with 855 update.
I started getting the pop up box after doing a backup.
After turning tom off the on, the error box is not re-appearing for now.
I am just getting the "Not updated for 20 weeks error" :confused:
AFAIK the map share server is down for maintenance so that would explain why you can't get it to work, just like everyone else! - Mike
Hello everyone.
Here is the response I received from TomTom's support.

Thank you for contacting us.

Map Share TomTom has a unique technology that allows you to add, update and personalize your maps instantly. You can even share your changes with other users and benefit from theirs, so simple and automatic daily via TomTom HOME

The MapShare has no impact on the mapping that you load into your TomTom or navigation device on Tomtom Home. The problem from our system and showing the message in question.

Therefore, we invite you simply do not take into consideration the message. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We hope to have responded clearly and positively to your request for assistance.
Do not hesitate to contact us again if that was not the case.
I am now RECEIVING MapShare updates to my 855 map, but I don't seem to be sending my corrections. I have made several updates on my TT and selected to share them, but I don't think a single one has been pulled off my device since the 855 upgrade.
Just received updates too. Initially it said 23 updates were available, but finally shows that just 3 are in use. I didn't have any updates to send so can't comment on that bit.
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Just received updates too. Initially it said 23 updates were available, but finally shows that just 3 are in use. I didn't have any updates to send so can't comment on that bit.
The former may well be a function of how you've set up your willingness to accept the mapshare info.

Under Tools, TomTom Map Share, Map Share Preferences, are you set to Strict, High, Medium, or Low? At "Medium", I have currently only 2 corrections in use for the 2GB North American mapset.
i seen the newer posts so i try to up date my tomtom for the map-share and no updates and the 20 weeks out of date and it also said Mapshare is temporarily not available is still there
i even try all the settings Strict, High, Medium, or Low and no updates
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