Voice stops half way through sentence!

May 29, 2017
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
My old Go 750 frequently says
"After" ... long pause of many seconds .... "300 yds turn right" by which time I may have missed the junction.

So two days ago I gave up and bought a new Go 5100 to replace it. However to my surprise today, approaching a roundabout the brand new 5100 said "After" ... long pause of several seconds .... "500 yds, go round the roundabout etc." by which time I was in the wrong lane for the exit I needed to take.

Is this a bug in the software of both the Go 750 and the Go 5100 or is there some other reason for this?
Sounds as though there is a map issue there in both cases that is causing both units to consider some kind of alternative description before moving on with the one that is planned. If this is repeatable, please advise location of roundabout and the direction of travel, and we may be able to put it in the lap of an appropriate person at TomTom.
Sounds as though there is a map issue there in both cases that is causing both units to consider some kind of alternative description before moving on with the one that is planned. If this is repeatable, please advise location of roundabout and the direction of travel, and we may be able to put it in the lap of an appropriate person at TomTom.
It happens at many roundabouts, seemingly at random so I can't give you a specific one even if I knew it but it also happens with exits of motorways and I think, it even happened once with a right turn. This doesn't happen all the time. I can go for several days with it working OK but this week I went from Peterborough down to North London and it happened three times during the journey. Its almost as if some other processing is going on that interrupts the voice in between the 'boilerplate' word 'After' and the calculation of how many yards to say next.
As canderson said, nothing can be investigated without details.
That should be the whole route (use MyDrive web) and then the location before the roundabout where that happened, complete with date and time of day.
That whole thing is like finding needles in a hay stack except, without that information they first have to find that specific hay stack.
As canderson said, nothing can be investigated without details.
That should be the whole route (use MyDrive web) and then the location before the roundabout where that happened, complete with date and time of day.
That whole thing is like finding needles in a hay stack except, without that information they first have to find that specific hay stack.
Ok a specific instance as it's happened again.
At about 3.45pm today (Sunday 4th June 2017) going Eastbound on the A5 around Shrewsbury, the voice paused approaching the roundabout with the A49 at Lat Long 52.705302, -2.700082

This time it was the exit number that was paused (I've noticed it varies, sometimes it's the exit number, sometimes its the distance. Anything that requires a real time calculation in addition to boiler plate phrases like 'go round the roundabout')

The voice said. 'After 500 yds, go round the roundabout, ...<pause of about 10 seconds> 'second exit'.

It has not paused at this particular roundabout before and certainly didn't when I went round it on Friday.

Could it be doing something like communicating with Live traffic that causes the pause? Whatever it's doing it pretty inconvenient having it do it a few hundred yards from a junction or exit.
Actually, what we have so far may be enough to work with regarding location for this one you've reported now.
All we need to tidy up the report to TT is the firmware and map versions resident on the unit(s) that bit you.
Actually, what we have so far may be enough to work with regarding location for this one you've reported now.
All we need to tidy up the report to TT is the firmware and map versions resident on the unit(s) that bit you.
Journey was from Capel Curig in North Wales to Huntingdon in Cambridgshire. Generally A5, M6 andA14.
Application version 17.100.0022.311 (0) 02/04/2017)
Map Europe with UK and Ireland buildings, device shows version 965.7272
Last full update of system and maps carried out via MyDrive Connect on 29/05/2017
(although Russia wouldn't fit on this new device so that country was not installed)
We're up to map #990 now, so the one you're working with is now 1-1/4 years old. Any chance you have a map subscription such that you could get it updated and try it again with current map data? It can be tough to get them to address anything that is that old.
We're up to map #990 now, so the one you're working with is now 1-1/4 years old. Any chance you have a map subscription such that you could get it updated and try it again with current map data? It can be tough to get them to address anything that is that old.

Now am on map United Kingdom and Ireland buildings v990.8307 but the issue is still there. However I have now noticed a definite pattern. As well as sometimes omitting the exit from the roundabout directions on a straight road, it always omits it when the voice gives two instructions at the same time connected by the word 'then', as when leaving a motorway.

When taking a motorway exit that leads into a roundabout, the voice says ' after xx yards, take the exit then go round the roundabout ....' but then it stops and does not say which exit to take on the roundabout.

As I approach the roundabout the voice will repeat 'go round the roundabout ....' again without saying which exit.

Only when I am a few yards from the roundabout will the voice complete the sentence and say something like 'go round the roundabout, second exit', by which time I am probably in the wrong lane.

However I've noticed that the map and junction indicator show the correct exit all the time so the device does know which exit to take, it just does not say so.
Interesting, I have much the same problem on my new Via 52, I will watch this with interest as I have just posted pretty much the same query.

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