TOMTOM one 3rd edition - white screen problems

Send the new ones 1st

They need to send us a new one, as much is I don't want to open that box again, took me 30min. When the new one comes and it works, then we can send the defective unit back. that's how some companies do it when they make a big mistake.

I really think they should just take your credit card number, and not bill you unless you don't send the defected unit back.

this is Christmas season. The craziest time of the year, just tell them to send the good ones to my store and I'll return is broken one. my money is with that store right now, and I have 90 days and I will be very surprised within 90 days if they don't replenish their stock with units that work.

and they should let us know the range of serial numbers that are defective, or I guess they're telling the stores right now that information.

If you ordered online, you can usually print out a receipt online. At least you can if you ordered thru Circuit City like I did.

Circuit City didn't include a receipt with my shipment for some reason. AND - since I had a few questions about the $100 sale, and whether the unit was in fact 3rd edition with 1-Gig of memory, I called their 800# and ordered over the phone. Since I ordered it over the phone, I never actually registered with their site online. So I called the 800#, gave them my phone number and billing address - and from that - they found my order number. With the order # and my zip code, I was able to reprint my receipt.

Hope this helps.
They had me format the unit and reinstall the software and then asked me to return it. Which I will since I can't find the receipt. I like the unit and price so I think this option will work for me.
I heard from TT Support today and they asked for my information and the serial # so I can return the unit to them for service. They did not ask for any kind of receipt . . .

Warning!!! Before you talk to them get yourself a good strong magnifying glass to read that serial number, you're going to need it :)
Problem also found all the way to the great WHITE north

Well, I just got mine from BestBuy in Toronto Canada and the same thing is happening ... power off, power on white screen ... reset, works fine ... power off, power on, white screen again.

Maybe as a fix they should send us a bigger reset bouton :confused:

Well, I will call tech support tomorrow and complain for sure. Until then let me know if you guys found something to get this fixed.
Great WHITE screen from the Great White North

Well, the problem is all over the place, I got mine at BestBuy in Toronto Canada just today. I thought I was luck as all the stores did not have them and then found this BestBuy which just had received a new load of 149 of them. I guess they are not recalling them yet!!!


Well I think we should all get a TT ONE XL for having us go through all of this during Christmas.
Three calls to support

Took me three calls to support today.

First guy knew of the problem right away and said I needed to send it in, that it is a hardware issue and that I would be sent a shipping label. He set up my problem ticket but since I did not have the unit I could not give him the serial number. Told me to call back.

So I picked up the unit on lunch and called back. This CSR wanted me to hook it to my pc and was going to try to run me through an update. I informed him that I was told it is a known issue and was told I should send it back. After a few minutes on hold he returned to confirm what I said and forwarded my call to the RMA department.

Once there I was told I would receive an email withing 15 minutes and that I was to take said label and the unit to FedEx or UPS and ship it back. I was confused and said I was told I would receive a shipping label. The CSR in the RMA dept said I was responsible for shipping it to them.

So my friend said that does not make sense and I should call back. The third person I talked to said that yes, I should receive a shipping label and I was to put the unit and and email with the instructions and RMA information and send it back to them. I did get an email, but all it contained was something about my profile being created on TomTom. Still waiting for my email with instructions. If I don't receive it by morning, I will make the FOURTH call.

Good luck everyone!
Well, just for argument sake, here's another one. Ordered it from Circuit City on line because NO ONE in the area had them. Took it out of the box and turned it on. Messed with it a little and turned it off so the wife could start working with it from scratch. You all know the rest. Guess I'll call lTech Supprot tomorrow!!
Called TT this morning and they just told me to send it back. About a 2 week turn around. The tech I talked to said they aren't sure what it is; he said they were able to fix one over the phone but that was it.

Scott_one - that green light, next to the power button, just means the unit is hooked to an external power source and the battery is charging, not that the unit is on.
Scott_one - that green light, next to the power button, just means the unit is hooked to an external power source and the battery is charging, not that the unit is on.

Sorry about the misleading statement I made earlier. I just found out that the green light only comes on when charging!
i've been googling it too. it sounds like a batch issue. what are the serial numbers of your units? maybe we can figure it out before they do?
I was wondering if we emailed the news about this TomTom might get speed things up on the return.
According to the young man I talked to at Tech Support this morning, it is definitely a batch problem. Apparently, all the units were made in the same week, or maybe the same day, I don't remember which. Point is, it is definitely a batch problem.

I'm thinking they are going about as quickly as they can. They have set up a special group at tech support to handle the white/gray screen. And they have a process to go through. I can't complain.
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I was wondering if we emailed the news about this TomTom might get speed things up on the return.
I emailed Tech Support yesterday with a link to this discussion. Just got a response about an hour ago. I sent them this:
Tech support, You should read these 5 pages of unhappy TomTom customers who are all suffering the same symptoms... blank screen after turning these brand-new units on the 2nd time.

Mine is working fine so far, but there's got to be many having trouble. If 15 people have taken time to post on a forum, there are probably ten times that many who are having the same trouble.
Their response about an hour ago:
Dear Rick,

Thank you for contacting TomTom. We appreciate the time you have taken to contact us in the 'blank screen' issue that is occuring on these TomTom devices.. We apologize for any frustration this has caused. Our goal is to provide you with exceptional customer service!

At TomTom we continuously aim to provide our customers with top quality products, content and services. We are working in a fast moving industry and as a leading navigation solution provider, TomTom is constantly developing new products including improved software and hardware, as well as the latest in map data and other content and services. At TomTom we consider customer feedback to be invaluable. It allows us to continuously make an effort to match and exceed your expectations. Of course we take the information that appears in the internet forums extremely seriously, as we do with all feedback from our customers. We?d like to thank you for the effort you took to inform us about your concerns.

If you have any further questions or comments, please email or call us at 866-486-6866 Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM until 7:00 PM EST. Thanks again for writing. At TomTom we believe in showing you the way the easy way.

With Best Regards,

The TomTom Customer Support Team
No remedy, but suggests they at least know about it.
Is mine old enough to not have this problem?

I bought mine online from Staples. I ordered it on Black Friday. It's a Christmas present from my spousal unit, so I haven't opened it to see if it's OK.

Does anyone know if units ordered as far back as Black Friday are before the serial number range that exhibits this behavior?
I haven't seen the bad serial numbers posted anywhere as yet. But since it's a gift you might as well open the package now and check it. If it's a good one, put it in a box and gift wrap it. This will accomplish two things. You won't both be disappointed on Christmas morning and you'll spare your spouse the sight of you cursing up a storm trying to open the original plastic case . . . :)

Has anyone received their RMA yet?
Christmas gifts, well just...

instead of freaking out that the tom-tom won't work on Christmas, just put a bag full of paper clips in their stockings, they will wonder what it is for, but eventually will realize after they open their gift, what it is actually for. you can just tell him its a security measure and you had to send it back to the company for an upgrade. just if you want to keep the spirit of Christmas going.:rolleyes:

I'm sure all you people that bought the Tom Tom for a gift, who ever you bought it for will still be excited when they open it up. then you can wait a little while and then tell them what the paper clip was for.

that way you can get some enjoyment, for a little while, of what the a real experience should have been, if the unit was working correctly.

I say take my credit card, send me a new one. When the new one arrives and it works in good condition. I will send my unit back.

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