Start 60 not connecting

Oct 21, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
GO 300, Start 60,
I have a Start 60 with lifetime map upgrades, which I have not updated for several years. I loaded My Drive Connect onto my current Windows 10 laptop. When I logged in it showed the Start 60 under My Devices but the option to upgrade to the latest European map didn't appear. I connected a second Start 60, which was identified and I added to My Devices. It was only then that I noticed that the second unit was showing as 'Connected', when I plugged in the USB cable, whereas the first unit showed as 'Not Connected' when I plugged it in. I don't know whether it was showing as connected initially.

I have subsequently tried changing USB ports; using another TomTom USB cable and re-installing MyDrive Connect to no avail. I looked to delete the TomTom drivers under Network Adaptors, as recommended in the TomTom 'Navigation Device Not Connecting to Computer' guidance, but no Tom Tom drivers appeared in this location. However, as the second unit connects I presume that the drivers are ok.

I then tried deleting the original device from my account to see if it would show up when I reconnected the unit but it made no difference.

I am now wondering whether by having a second Start 60 linked to my account whether it prevents My Drive Connect from seeing the first? Also, whether having deleted a device whether I should be able to re-add it to my account?

I should mention that I recently changed the battery in my first unit but can't see why this should have had any effect.

I should be most grateful for any comments or suggestions as to what I could try next.
No problem you can have 2 starts 60 added to the same account.

If your GPS is not recognized it may be the mini socket on the GPS side which has a problem, try moving the socket.

You changed the battery when reassembling, did you correctly connect the plug inside the GPS?

What you can do is create a new one for this GPS with a new login ID.
No problem you can have 2 starts 60 added to the same account.

If your GPS is not recognized it may be the mini socket on the GPS side which has a problem, try moving the socket.

You changed the battery when reassembling, did you correctly connect the plug inside the GPS?

What you can do is create a new one for this GPS with a new login ID.
Thank you for your immediate and helpful reply. Re-assuring to know that I can have two Starts 60s added to the same account. I couldn't see anything wrong with the USB mini socket on the unit and believe that I connected everything correctly. The unit charges ok but I'll have another look.
On the mini socket you have 4 wires 2 for recharging the battery and 2 for data transmission.
On the mini socket you have 4 wires 2 for recharging the battery and 2 for data transmission.
As everything seemed to point to a fault on the mini socket, I have now replaced it with a socket on a flying lead, as per
. The Start 60 battery is now recharging when I plug the USB cable into my laptop but I am getting a Windows Explorer message 'USB device not recognized' {which is an improvement on nothing at all). I have tried a soft reboot with the unit plugged in but this has not helped. I am sure that the D+ connection is ok but am not so sure about the D-. Do you know whether I would get the 'USB device not recognized' message if the D- connection was not good? If I would only get the message when the D+ & D- connections are ok, do you have any other suggestions as to what else I could try to get the device recognized? Do I have to create a new My Drive Connect log in ID for the device, if I have deleted it from my account, or should I be able to re-add it to my original account?
What does Device Manager have to say about your problem device?
Does your other Start 60 connect properly?
What does Device Manager have to say about your problem device?
Does your other Start 60 connect properly?
My second Start 60 connects without any problem.

For the problem Start 60, Device Manager says:

Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)

A request for the USB device descriptor failed.

Could this be due to a bad D- conection? or, in this case, would the unit not be seen at all?
Code 43 error can be caused by hardware issues, corrupted drivers or settings.
Do you have the option to install Mydrive connect on another computer is to try?
I have now tried connecting to a MacBook Pro. The problem Start 60 is still not identified by MyDrive Connect and does not appear under the list of attached USB devices. I think that the problem must be the D- connection. I will try to solder a pin onto the pcb to attatch the wire, as I fear that the pad, onto which I soldered the wire, may have been damaged when I reinstalled the board. Thanks for your help.

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