Go 5200 - restarting when on cloud

Not as far as I know. My 620 still does the same thing. So I go to the cloud long enough to get the data I need (new POI files) and then disconnect from the cloud.
I had a similar problem with TT constantly restarting. I deleted loads of data in MyDrive and problem solved (my places and routes)
The solution is Parameter then Tomtom service deactivate Mydrive synchronization on the device you reactivate to transfer a new route.
The solution is Parameter then Tomtom service deactivate Mydrive synchronization on the device you reactivate to transfer a new route.
I'm having a hard time following that sentence, Willy. Can you give it another try? Perhaps with original Français in addition to the English?
I'm having a hard time following that sentence, Willy. Can you give it another try? Perhaps with original Français in addition to the English?
In French

La solution est sur le GPS clic sur les trois points puis service Tomtom désactiver la synchronisation Mydrive sur l'appareil la réactivez pour transférer un nouvel itinéraire.


The solution is on the GPS click on the three points then Tomtom service deactivate Mydrive synchronization on the device reactivate it to transfer a new route.
In my case soft reset resolved this issue.
I've never had that work for more than a few hours. After that, if still cloud connected, I would get 6 - 8 crashes per day navigating to my custom POI locations.
This issue only started to happen after I had the 5200 a couple of years, so was there a software update that caused it?
This issue only started to happen after I had the 5200 a couple of years, so was there a software update that caused it?
No, this began between software releases. The software is the problem, but we believe the change happened on the server end. Something on the server began to upset software that, until then, had been working.

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