Need help resetting tomtom


Mar 16, 2008
I've had a tomtom 1st gen for a while now and recently purchased an XL. I live in WA and want to give the 1st gen to my parents that live in OR however after searching these forums and also following the reset instructions from tomtom I cannot seem to rest it!

Whenever I power it on I still get the message "this device belongs to' and then it displays my current address, is it possible to reset this unit so my back to the original factory settings so my parents can enter in their home address as the primary address?

Any help would be greatly appreciate as a I am totally lost! :(
I've had a tomtom 1st gen for a while now and recently purchased an XL. I live in WA and want to give the 1st gen to my parents that live in OR however after searching these forums and also following the reset instructions from tomtom I cannot seem to rest it!

Whenever I power it on I still get the message "this device belongs to' and then it displays my current address, is it possible to reset this unit so my back to the original factory settings so my parents can enter in their home address as the primary address?

Any help would be greatly appreciate as a I am totally lost! :(

I am not familure with your unit, but the menus should be similar.

There should be a set/change owner icon in change preferences. It tells you to connect it to your computer, and open TT home and go to this menu icon and follow the instructions.

You might want to first go to TT website and set an account for your parents there. Then go to TT Home and change it over to them.

If you do the full factory reset (menu icon in change preferences also), you will loose all the data you may have added while you were using it - which you might not want to do.

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