MyDrive App For Apple iPad

Sep 10, 2015
Epsom, Surrey
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
GO 6100
I have the MyDrive app on my iPad Pro 9.7 and I'm very disappointed to find that it is fixed in portrait mode and is not rotatable to landscape mode which is my preferred way of using the iPad. All my other apps are rotatable so why can't TomTom achieve this apparently simple task?
We have asked TomTom the same question as that is unique to the app, not the iPad.

Write to them about your displeasure.
Maybe the will do something if enough of their customers complain.
Thanks very much Arno, you have confirmed what I suspected, that it is down to TomTom's programmers to get their app working properly.
Well I tried my best. After several message exchanges and me supplying screen shots this is the reply I have just received ...

Dear David,

This is Nikhilesh again from TomTom Customer Care Team following up with you. Thank you for your patience.

I have received an update from the Technical team and would like to explain that we do not support landscape mode for MyDrive app at the moment, nor on iOS nor on Android however they have taken this as a feedback and would like to thank you for your feedback. Thank you for your ideas and suggestions.
Once again, we appreciate your feedback and we look forward to implement it. Dennis, as a TomTom customer your feedbacks are very precious to us and it is the voice of our customers that makes TomTom a success.
If you have any further questions related to your TomTom, please contact us and we will be glad to assist you.

With Kind Regards
Nikhilesh S.
The TomTom Customer Care Team


How pathetic is that! TomTom can't even find programmers capable of providing an app that can rotate from Portrait to Landscape ... what a MEGA FAIL!

Oh and just who the hell is Dennis? Surely this is not another atrocious cut and paste reply that went wrong.

And they still can't get my street name right on the maps. This company is the most spectacular failure I have ever encountered.
How have you been reporting your street name change?
Guess the good news is that you may see the change incorporated into the 980 map next month. If accepted 3 months ago, that would have been during the build process for the August release (975) map -- too close to make it.

I like landscape mode for viewing a map, too ... not sure why ... and it would be nice if they'd get it rotating for Android as well.

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