go520 traffic checker mydrive app

Oct 14, 2019
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/au.png" alt="Australia" /> Australia
TomTom Model(s)
go720 go520
I work from home as a plumber. my office is in my house by obviously my jobs are at several different places each day.

mydrive app refuses to tell me anything about traffic unless I configure my home and work addresses first. I don't have a work address. what am I supposed to do?
Use your home address. It's assuring that the radius picked up for traffic is sufficient for any possible home/work scenario.
I don't remember if one can see traffic without Home/Work but, as canderson said put in something, an intersection away from where you live and you should see traffic on the 'Search for addresses' screen. You could also use MyDrive web and select to show traffic in Settings but, first of all, switch on your 520 and if you are within WiFi range will show all traffic for up to a couple of hundred miles out if you scale the screen.
Thanks guys I'll fudge it by adding the middle of town as my work address. I've got to say im puzzled by many aspects of the tomtom software design : /

And youre quite right Arno, the system absolutely refuses to offer traffic advice without having both home and work addresses configured.

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