Map Update without a Back Up

Feb 17, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
I've tried to update my XL for the first time and the update wizard gave me the option of either just downloading the latest map to my device or also creating a back up on my laptop. I chose the back up option but it aborted as I didn't have enough memory on my ancient laptop. When I logged on again to update the device only, it didn't give me the option to just do that; how do I now select just to update the device so I have the latest information on it until I can sort my laptop out?

Thanks in anticipation for your help.
Ugh. Best bet is to clear some space off your 'ancient laptop'. There's no way of convincing Home that you have a backup when you don't. At most, your XL will require 2GB or so to back up. Then you'll want another 2GB handy for whatever map arrives. How big is the HD on that thing?
I tried to update with a backup, and it said I needed to make more room on my XL. What can I delete so that I can have the latest update?
I don't know what sort of custom content you may have already added, but ...
How much room is left on your XL at this point, and do you know the size of the 945 map that is being offered for your specific model? Gives us an idea of the extent of the problem.

One place to start -- any voices that you don't use. You can use Home to copy those to your PC, removing them from your XL. Even the 'recorded' ones eat up about 700KB each, on average.
You can kill of unused car icons, but those only buy you about 19KB each.

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