Lifetime maps not honored.

Jan 2, 2011
First: What model of TomTom do you own and when did you buy it and from what source?
Second: What map version is presently installed on your TomTom?
Third: Have you ever updated the map on this unit?

Yes, maps have been updated in the past MANY times.

I have the USA map on it even though the "standard" one is US_Mexico_Canada. That happened about a year ago when one of the regular updates declared itself too big to fit, and the support tech during the fix process authorized the USA map in an attempt to get one to fit.
Map udates for the XXL540 now have zoned maps available. Is does your XXL540 have an M at the end of the model number. e.g XXL540M or XXL540TM.
When connecting to Home, it should offer one of two different maps.

Again... What map version is on your unit NOW? Depending upon the answer, the following may or may not even be necessary (apart from the backup - do that anyway!)

Back up your entire unit using this method (we don't always trust Home!):
Next, use Home to move your current map off the unit and onto your PC.
Next, ask Home to 'Update' your XXL and see if it offers maps of any sort. By rights, the zoned maps should be offered.
I can try that, but am headed out to a commitment in a bit...will happen later.

But...why do I want to change to a zoned map?
In reading your innput, I see a question..

"Back up your entire unit using this method (we don't always trust Home!):
Next, use Home to move your current map off the unit and onto your PC. Next, ask Home to 'Update' your XXL and see if it offers maps of any sort. By rights, the zoned maps should be offered."

If I have made the total folder backup, why need to move the map off the unit onto PC (which takes quite a long time). I already have the backup (including the map), so why not just delete the map off the unit?
But...why do I want to change to a zoned map?
Because the newer maps are too big to fit on your 2GB unit. It's not a matter of 'want', in this case.
If I have made the total folder backup, why need to move the map off the unit onto PC (which takes quite a long time). I already have the backup (including the map), so why not just delete the map off the unit?
OK. Just delete it. The objective was (and still is) to have no map at all on your unit to see what Home offers to you when you ask it to "Update" your unit. Home can be a little easier for reinstallation than the manual process of bringing it from your manual backup, and I'd like to try to get Home involved in both processes if possible.
While we are waiting for the manual backup to complete (averaging about 350 KB/s on an i7 system...abt 40% complete at 1730E...ugh), let's sort out some details...

Will the zoned maps be included in the LM provision I already am authorized? I certainly hope so!! If TT wants to charge for them, that simply would not be right...force people out of LM and into a pay scenario simply by making the LM map too big to fit the unit.
Relax, relax!

Yes, zoned maps were just recently released (a bit too late for some!) for the XXL540 model and probably for a few of the other 2GB units as well. No extra charge. We just need to be sure that they're offered by Home so that you don't have to call tech support to get them started. Worst case, you'll need to call them to get the subscription properly initiated.
Well, we are now into a typical TomTom screwup. I decided to NOT directly delete the map, so I removed it within Home. I then tried an update and (I think I remember that) it said it had to have a map. The removal was very quick--surprised me.

So I used Home and put USA_Canada_Mexico_P v860.3121 (2010 map) on it. Remember, it had USA before as a fix after the previous snafu.

Update then said only thing needed! was Mapshare, and offers no updates to the map itself! This is quite crazy as I have not updated the USA_Canada_Mexico map for a LONG time--it is a 2010 map.

Sure wish TomTom had a map delivery system that worked reliably.
It's been rough lately with the map growing as it has.

You never did confirm what level map was already ON your unit when we started this. Attempt #3.

Let's back up just a moment .. "So I used Home and put USA_Canada_Mexico_P v860.3121 (2010 map) on it." Was that being offered when you had selected Update, or did you just restore this from your PC's collection of old maps using Home?
NO map has been offered through update, except the message shown in the first post.

I put the USA Can Mex on from the computer.

I was also surprised that it was the only one shown to me as available on the computer since I had USA on the device at the start of all this, so was surprised it did not show as an available map in the computer.
May I respectfully suggest that you follow canderson's suggestions to the letter and do not make any short cuts on your own.

Please take a screen print or photo of your device information screen.
(Tap bottom right, tap "Version" just above [ Done ], press top left corner until you hear a camera click, tap [ Done ].)
Connect to PC look for the device with Windows Explorer. Click the drive letter then click the folder 'Screen'. There should be a .bmp with the current date showing all the device particulars.

After clicking Reply here, select 'More Options...' at the bottom of this screen, click 'Upload a file' and select the screen print you just made, click Reply.
I was also surprised that it was the only one shown to me as available on the computer since I had USA on the device at the start of all this, so was surprised it did not show as an available map in the computer.
Which is precisely why I had you make that initial manual backup. Worst case, we'll put your 'current' map back on from that, whatever it is .. but I'm not moving another inch until I know which one it was!
If you don't know for certain, then dig into that manual backup and locate a very small file in your US map folder ending in *.pna. Open it with your favorite word processor / text editor and tell me what the third line says.
Having been chastized to follow directions exactly with no deviations, I tried to follow your instructions...but could not get it to do the click sound saying it had made the capture. Triied repeatedly. Totally off in between --nada.

Did some web searching and found one post that said you have to first create a folder called 'screen' in root with an empty file named 'capture' inside that folder.

After doing that, the capture performed successfully.


  • dump-1094873503.bmp
    382.6 KB · Views: 360
canderson, does the atch image in post just previous give you what you need?

Also, I have a theory about why only one was showing...perhaps it does not show the one already in the device as being available to be installed--since it is already installed.
Last edited:
You got far enough ahead that Arno's request didn't really give us any new information. All that screen shot is showing me is the one you just installed (860). I was hoping (still) to know which one was installed when all of this started. That said, you've got a good tool now for showing things on your unit if ever needed again.

Dig into that manual backup and locate a very small file in your US map folder ending in *.pna. Open it with your favorite word processor / text editor and tell me what the third line says.

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