Home 2.7 Available

Thanks but it all sounds so complicated

Thanks for all the responses and offers of help. However, it does sound a bit complicated.

On top of that, when I try to enter Manage my Device, it locks up on my. So I can't really use this method.

I have been advised in another forum that version is now out and it may help some people with these problems. I have installed this and it didn't help. I think uninstalled and reinstalled this version and again it didn't help. I locks up and I still get the error message when I try to operate my Go via Home.

I think I am going back to 2.6 since it happily is still installed on my laptop and seems to work fine. Some one please wake me up when this problem is truely solved, like when version 3.0 comes out!

Thanks to you all!!!
How can I get 2.6 again??

I too had computer lock-up issues with 2.7. I installed, uninstalled, renamed folders, and still had no luck. Then I couldn't find a copy of 2.6 (BTW the previously posted link takes you to 2.7). Finally after five hours of this nonsense, I ran across another bulletin board that contained a link to 2.6. Now I'm back to normal and can go to bed. Thanks TomTom for yet another winner.!

I uninstalled my 2.7 version and went to reinstall my old version via the CD Rom that came with my TT 940. The installation was kinda funny because it was immediately hijacked because it started installing 2.7 again. What I now have is 2.3 installed, but would love to go back to 2.6 which I had before. Can you tell me where I can DL this version again, or maybe post a link here? Thanks for the info and the help.
Hey TTT103,

Would you care to share the link to Home 2.6 you found. All of my searches take me back to 2.7, and that version is a mess. Upon installing 2.7, I couldn't "Operate My Device". Sent TT a note and they responded that they're working on it. Course they're not going to let me know when that's fixed, so I check myself for an update. I get a message from Home that there's a critical update and think it's fixed, so I upgrade to a newer version of 2.7. Now, not only can't I "Operate My Device" but mapshare updates fail also.

I'd sure appreciate that link.


OOPs, I didn't see the "next pages"

Link I posted above yours has 2.64 for download. Left sideof page, down near bottom.

Thanks, I didn't notice the 2nd and 3rd pages of the thread until after I posted: hence the OOPS.

So I downloaded the old version of Home and still get the problem with "Operate My Device". Anyone have any ideas about what could have happened during the 2.7 install that makes 2.6 not work now?

TomTom's response indicated they probably knew it was broke when they put out the version 2.7 and that they'd fix it later, but the latest upgrade was broke also.You'd have thought they'd warn you before letting you botch your working Home. I don't want to keep trying new versions of 2.7 just to find out I need to remove it and go back to a non-working 2.6. (Course, since they're both broke now, I may as well go ahead and install 2.7).
Mine did the same thing, went to Tom web sight and read about Go trouble in home. I then went and removed the file they talk about and then when I tried it told me I need a file, I downloaded it and everything is working lovely.

When you say you went to the Go site (TomTom's or this site's Go forum) and removed the file they suggested, was that with 2.7 or 2.6.Did that fix the problem, or did you just remove the file and it was still broke(silly question, but I thought I'd just ask anyway)? I'm using the One XLS. I'll try and find the problem you describe on their site, but don't know why they didn't mention it in their reply to my inquiry.

It was broken on 2.7. When I removed the file and then went to Home Go it said I need a new file "can I download" I said yes after that it worked OK.

Delete the files HOME uses to operate your device.

Exit TomTom HOME.

Delete the any files or folder in the following location:

Windows Vista
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\TomTom\HOME\Profiles\<random name>.default\extensions

Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\TomTom\HOME\Profiles\7sm5gy7v.default\extensions\

Thanks for the info, jimmyt5.

I'm using Windows 2000, and the folder matched the location of Windows XP. I did as you suggested and removed the folder. I then started Home, and it found MapShare updates, but blew off on the install of the updates. Home did not die though, so I tried "Operate my..." and it did as you suggested it would and tried to download needed files, but failed on the download. I tried again and this time it succeeded and recreated what appears to be a duplicate folder. Still no "Operate my.."

So now I can't use MapShare or "Operate my XL", and once I tried to operate my TT, I can't "Manage my..." as it never returns from the "Loading...." progress bar. A restart of the device and Home resolves the "Manage my..." problem.

Man, this is a mess

As it stands, the maps are so far behind that I need to drive 12 miles before I'm back on a rerouted main US highway that I must use to leave town, Home MapShares don't work, and I can't operate my TT from Home.

At least, after I updated my problem on TT.com, they responded with a notice that a new version was released today, but it didn't help.

Any suggestions, other than switch to Garmin or some other brand, are certainly appreciated.
Blackbeard, try:
1) uninstalling HOME
2) backing up mydocuments\tomtom to mydocuments\tomtombackup
3) then deleting the folders in this link
4) then reinstalling HOME

Thaks for the extra steps. Fortunately, that resolved the MapShare (and possibly QuickGPSfix stuff, though I hadn't downloaded any since the problem started) problems. Unfortunately, the "Operate My One XL" is still broken, and based on what TT said, this is truly a real problem with this version of Home and my current setup/devices.

Guess I'll just have to wait 'til they get that part fixed.

Don't know, either, when they'll get around to adding the re-routed US35 through my area to the maps. There used to be a place to report these changes on the web site, but I can't find that anymore and since MapShare is so shaky on my end, I'm not sure I could even do that!
Don't know, either, when they'll get around to adding the re-routed US35 through my area to the maps. There used to be a place to report these changes on the web site, but I can't find that anymore and since MapShare is so shaky on my end, I'm not sure I could even do that!

You can report map issues online here. Your best bet is to enable anonymous data submission, and keep the Tomtom on whenever you drive the road. Tomtom keeps trumpeting all their new roads created by these anonymously data logs, so perhaps that would get it more attention.

Please could somebody send me a link where i can download tomtom home..Every time i try it via update it uninstalls home ,starts to install the newer version then cocks up.so now i am left with no tomtom home.

Color me confused. I am a GPS newbie (but a Network Admin by profession) - don't have one yet but finally decided to pull the trigger on a GO 730. But I then stumbled upon this thread and it gave me great pause. I am now reconsidering my decision to go with TT and instead go with one of their rivals.

Concerning the link posted above. This thread has been talking about the upgrade from Home 2.6 to 2.7, but the link above is for 1.6. Thought it might be a typo on the TT site so I downloaded the program to make sure - the downloaded program is for version 1.5.106?????

What am I missing or not understanding here? TT sure isn't making it easy for potential new customers (anyone from corporate reading this?)
Thanks dhn. I guess that is just one of those typical issues with larger websites - not all of the links matching.

Since I have not purchased a TT yet, is this Home 2.7 upgrade snafu a big enough issue to warrant looking elsewhere for my first GPS?

Don't want to get burned like I did when I purchased a transparency scanner. Come to find out that the software wouldn't install on IBM/Lenovo computers (finally got that info from the scanner's tech support) and I only had Lenovo's at home and at work. No software = no scanning.
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The newest application has caused some issues with Live models (the x40 series) and map updates but I venture to say there are probably thousands wotld wide using it without problems.
Concerning the link posted above. This thread has been talking about the upgrade from Home 2.6 to 2.7, but the link above is for 1.6. Thought it might be a typo on the TT site so I downloaded the program to make sure - the downloaded program is for version 1.5.106?????
That is kinda odd. When I click on the link in YOUR reply, I get


and when I click on "TomTom HOME" I get


There, clicking on "Download TomTom HOME" I get


and HOME2winlatest is neither 1.6 nor 1.5.106.

One thought, have you registered on TomTom's home page? Does it say "Welcome [your sign in name]"?

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