go 910 and ipod classic

Jun 29, 2007
Can not get 910 to play ipod over line in. Plays over internal speaker. When ipod plug in music on go also come over internal speaker. Unplug it and it plays over line out to stereo speakers. Any one know a fix for this? Any insight appreciated.
Do I have online BO or something? I thought maybe no one uses the 910 anymore and that is why no one answered me. But now a new post and multiple answers the same day. Does anyone have any idea how to get my ipod working with the 910?
Afraid I didn't understand the question.....
You said:
Can not get 910 to play ipod over line in.
Did you mean you cannot play iPod music over the TomTom's line "OUT", rather then "in"?

Are you using the iPod accessory cable and connecting it to the dedicated iPod control socket?

Unplug it and it plays over line out to stereo speakers.

Over what line out? To what stereo speakers?

Can you start again, answering the questions above?
When the ipod is plugged into 910, using the ipod accessory cable into the dedicated ipod socket, Sound only plays over the 910s internal speaker. ALL sound. Including mp3s on the tomtom. I have changed the speaker preferences to line out, which runs to my car stereo. Everything continues to play through internal tom-tom speaker. When I disconnect the ipod cable, the mp3s on the tom-tom starts to play over the stereo. Have an fm transmittter dock which has all the same connectors hooked it up, line out to stereo, plays mp3 fine, hook up ipod same result as above EVERYTHING plays through tom-tom internal speaker. Thanks for answering.
Sorry, I've been away and no one else has answered.

Thanks for clarifying everything.
It seems you're doing everything right.
If you haven't already, think it's time to try reinstalling the operating sodftware.

Connect to Windows Explorer and browse to the TomTom drive.
Back it up by copy and pasting everything to somewhere safe on your PC (I suggest you make a new folder in MyDocuments)
then delete all the files which are NOT in folders, DO NOTdelete any folders or the files inside them.

Then run TomTom Home on the PC and it should find the Go. Select "Update my Go" and it should offer you the latest software.

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