GO 720 is stuttering BAD

Response from Tomtom

I logged a ticket and received the following response below. They are aware of the problem and working to fix it. They are looking for the system info of those experienceing the problem.

I'd recommend everyone who has the stuttering problem to go to the my tomtom website and log a question andpost their system info. The more info they get, the sooner they will hopefully fix it.:

"Thank you for taking the time to update your incident regarding the audio issues experienced. Rest assured, we are aware that this issue is occurring with the voices and we are diligently working to correct it. To assist us in doing so, we are collecting system information from those experiencing this error.

Your system information can be found in the HOME program. We ask that you retrieve this information for us by taking the following steps:

- Connect your device to the computer.
- Open the HOME program and log in.
- Select 'Help'.
- Select 'System information'.
- Copy all information shown and paste it into your email response.

We look forward to your response. If you have any further questions or comments, please email or call us at 866-486-6866 Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM until 7:00 PM EST. Thanks again for writing. At TomTom we believe in showing you the way the easy way.

With Best Regards,

TomTom Customer Support"
Using Kate (British computer voice) helps to some degree, but I've switched back to navcore 8.01 and 8.10 maps. tomtom support says they are aware about the voice problem (and about removed FM transmission of driving instruction) in 8.30 and the problems will be addressed in the next release of navcore. Will see.
Last night, I left to go to my friend's house, and Susan started to stutter within the first street/instruction she had to read out. I know it was chilly last night (about 40ish degrees) but Susan could have worn a jacket or something. The device was pretty cold, and because of that, I was getting a ghosting effect on the screen any time I switched screens or pressed any buttons. I know the cold was causing the ghosting because the same happens with my car stero. When ever anything on the screen changes, it should be instantaneous, but instead, the old image fades away rather than dissapearing right away.. Hope I'm making some sense..

Ohh and yes, the stuttering seems to only happen while the device is charging. The other poster may have a point. I drove all day with it on battery with no stuttering. Between trips I would charge it at home. Last night I decided to keep the TomTom plugged into my car's cig lighter port, and the stuttering happened.
Same Problem Here

I just updated my TomTom application to version 8.300 and the voice is stuttering as well and the screen refresh rate when I'm driving is slower and stutters too. Seems that every time they update the application we give one step forward and two steps backward. BTW my device was stuttering when it was running on battery only as well.

I am so disgusted in my unit I may throw it in the trash - the stuttering issue I can get by with until a fix is found - but I find since the update my refresh is really slow - I actually am driving ahead of my unit now - it tells me to turn when I am already going thru an intersection. I got so mad at it last night I rripped it off the windshield and tossed it into the back seat. Surely TomTom is going to do something soon to correct this issue. It has made my unit virtually worthless.
Put me on the stuttering list - started last week after the latest update on my 720 with my computer voices.
I have the same problem too after after the major update. And not only the stutter but also I have seen my 720 go shutdown itself and reboots that shows the TomTom Logo and Copyright screen twice while driving. I only have a few POI enabled.

I had made a backup before I had installed the newer version, can the restore put back my version to previous?

You guys are lucky. I got the following response, which does not work. When I remove the "computer" (Susan) and try to re-install her, she keeps disappearing. Shows as a voice installed in HOME, but when I go to assign a voice, she is not there. Seems the entire folder structure under "Loquendo TTS" gets messed up. Full restore puts Susan and the Stutter back. I was able to install "Dave" and he works, but I want Susan.

Tom Tom Response to my Stutter report:
Dear Richard,

Thank you for taking the time to contact TomTom Customer Support regarding the computer voice stuttering after an application upgrade. My name is Bill. We are always happy to help. We understand the frustration such an issue might cause.

The solution to this will be to uninstall and reinstall the computer. It may have been corrupted during the upgrade. To uninstall the voice, select the 'Remove items from my device' icon in TomTom HOME. Remove the computer voice.

Instructions for installing the new computer voice are available at:


If you have any further questions or comments, please email or call us at 866-486-6866 Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM until 7:00 PM EST. Thanks again for writing. At TomTom we believe in showing you the way the easy way.

With Best Regards,

TomTom Customer Support
I have been using Kate, UK Computer voice for awhile since she does not slaughter Spanish names here in sunny California as badly as Susan. Her file size is several times the size of Susan, so the program may have more/better programing behind it.

I have had a suspicion for some time now that Susan was modelled after a California valley girl - who were know for their limited vocabulary as well as their intelligence in general. If she is stressed out with the new application - stuttering could be expected....


Generally, I've been very disappointed with TomTom's computerized voices, especially with handling the Spanish names up here in northern California. (My Infiniti built-in nav system deals with them perfectly, so why the hell can't TomTom do the job properly?)

Anyway, now I know Susan is from the Central Valley someplace ("Hello?", "like...whatever"), that sort of explains her speech impediment. I'll have to try Kate from the UK and see if she does any better. Thanks for the tip.
Generally, I've been very disappointed with TomTom's computerized voices, especially with handling the Spanish names up here in northern California. (My Infiniti built-in nav system deals with them perfectly, so why the hell can't TomTom do the job properly?)
No question, the Loquendo Text to Speech (they're Italian, not Spanish, so gotta give 'em a break:p) can be a real hoot.

The sign for my exit for home is Lyon. Suzie (aka Susan) pronounces this as 'EL-YAWN. You'd think someone had fat fingered it and added a space between the L and the Y, but the map name is correct. She's now known as "The Butcher of Lyon". If you're not old enough to get the joke, that's OK. Somma us old farts will understand. Speaking of good SoCal names, you should hear what she does to Alameda (A-LAM'-A-DUH).

Anyway, I've done the software reload and the very few other things people have suggested, and I've still got Stuttering Susan here with ver 8.3 and long names. If life doesn't improve, I'm definitely going to punt over the weekend and revert to ver 8.010. I may go ahead and install my MP3 FM modulator, though, even with the rollback. I know it has better RF power than the built-in unit. Have heard the TTs "line out" level can be a bit hot with 8.3 anyway, and I can live without the distortion.
The sign for my exit for home is Lyon. Suzie (aka Susan) pronounces this as 'EL-YAWN.

Anyway, I've done the software reload and the very few other things people have suggested, and I've still got Stuttering Susan here with ver 8.3 and long names.

My sister has a Garmin Nuvi 350 and its voice pronounces my home street (Pinecrest Dr., NE) as Pinecrest "doctor", Northeast.

What has helped my 720 stuttering (helped, not cured) was to greatly increase the amount of internal memory available by deleting all but one computerized voice. The voices are easy to reload since the deletion program saves them on your hard drive. Even if not on the hard drive, you can re-download the voices from "Home."
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No question, the Loquendo Text to Speech (they're Italian, not Spanish, so gotta give 'em a break:p) can be a real hoot.

The sign for my exit for home is Lyon. Suzie (aka Susan) pronounces this as 'EL-YAWN. You'd think someone had fat fingered it and added a space between the L and the Y, but the map name is correct. She's now known as "The Butcher of Lyon". If you're not old enough to get the joke, that's OK. Somma us old farts will understand. Speaking of good SoCal names, you should hear what she does to Alameda (A-LAM'-A-DUH).

Anyway, I've done the software reload and the very few other things people have suggested, and I've still got Stuttering Susan here with ver 8.3 and long names. If life doesn't improve, I'm definitely going to punt over the weekend and revert to ver 8.010. I may go ahead and install my MP3 FM modulator, though, even with the rollback. I know it has better RF power than the built-in unit. Have heard the TTs "line out" level can be a bit hot with 8.3 anyway, and I can live without the distortion.

LOL I LOVE THIS GUY! :D He certainly has a way of putting things.

My sister has a Garmin Nuvi 350 and its voice pronounces my home street (Pinecrest Dr., NE) as Pinecrest "doctor", Northeast.

That's just sad..... :rolleyes:
How depressing.......

Not because it seemed to have worked for you but rather, at best, I suspect that is a temporary fix and the problem will return (hope not).

Depressing because after WEEKS of people reporting this problem, that (suggestion) is the best TT has to offer.

So much (I fear) for an imminent fix for this problem with another firmware release.:(
Are there any units that are not affected by the stuttering in 8.3? Wondering cause I have a service agreement through Radio Shack and I may be able to negotiate an upgrade. This stuttering is embarassing when you have a car full and want to share the wonders of your navigational device. It's just been going on way to long without an acceptable fix.

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