TomTom GO 720 Firmware Upgrade

Jan 24, 2020
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/ca.png" alt="Canada" /> Canada
TomTom Model(s)
720 go
It has been a very long time since I was on this forum. So long that likely my account was deleted, or just that I have moved isp and don't even know what email address i was using back then.

I have a very old TomTom GO 720 that I got with my old Ford Exporer. That car is long since dead and been replaced by several others and the TomTom got banished to the junk draw. Well, it was clean up time and I found it. Rather than toss it into the garbage, I thought I would plug it into a power supply and see if it would boot. Low and behold it does start up, but I am going to suspect that with the 2020 atomic clock rollover on the GPS satellites, the firmware inside this old unit won't work.

Now I know I have some firmware from here, and I am thinking of updating it to get it working again. My current car has Andriod Auto so I can get full screen GPS through that, but as I live near the US border and cel phones love to charge an arm and leg along with first born children once you cross over from your country to anther here in North America, I figure having a REAL GPS unit in the car might be a great idea. That way I can figure out how to get to places in the USA without the roaming phone costs.

So. I guess I am here just to figure out how to get the firmware side of the unit upgraded enough to get it back to a working condition.


For starters, make a manual backup of your unit's contents. See here:

Then connect to Home. There have been new versions of Home so you may need to update that application. Then see if any application updates are offered. If so, accept the updates to be installed. When completed, use the disconnect button at the bottom of Home to disconnect your device. Close Home and restart. Connect the device again and see if further application updates are offered.

I doubt whether any map updates will be offered, even if you try to purchase them, for that End of Life device.
If you updated the device in the past, it should be on 9.450 which in the ttsystem file would be 8,020 kB
Although only 2 bytes larger at 8,022, 9.451 is the one that overcomes the WRNO bug.

If you want that file, send me a PM with your eMail address.
Well, as stated before. I was on this web site I believe before and have downloaded updated maps. Now to get those maps to work it required to have an slightly modified version of the boot software. I don't have the original maps that would match any of the downloadable updates that TomTom will offer. I guess I am stuck with a working hardware with non functioning software that renderes the device to be totally useless.

What I find also anyoying is that the TomTom Home software recognizes that the hardware model number is obsolete, and offers a great deal on an updated hardware version only to then say that oops, Canada.. well too bad your on your own as the offer isn't for your country.

guess it's over to Amazon to see if I can find a cheep GPS
I was on this web site I believe before and have downloaded updated maps. Now to get those maps to work it required to have an slightly modified version of the boot software.
If so, that would NOT have been this web site, I can assure you.

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