Difference between Tyre route and TOMTOM route

Dec 23, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
I have prepared a route in Tyre which avoids motorways and dual carriageways. However after transferring to TOM TOM it recalculates the route such that while I avoid the motorways I am directed onto dualcarriage ways. Is there any way I can avoid dual carriageways but not take the winding road route as this turns out to be too long.

Hi Niall and welcome to TTF!

The way you need to assure that Tyre's route will be he same as your Rider's, is to add some route waypoints in Tyre to "force" TomTom to follow your desired route. Hard to advise how many waypoints it will take,but I generally need several. Then, load your itinerary in TomTom and then browse the route to confirm TomTom is showing your desired route. Sometimes it takes several efforts to make it work.

Hope that answers your question. Good luck!
Hi Niall and welcome to TTF!

The way you need to assure that Tyre's route will be he same as your Rider's, is to add some route waypoints in Tyre to "force" TomTom to follow your desired route. Hard to advise how many waypoints it will take,but I generally need several. Then, load your itinerary in TomTom and then browse the route to confirm TomTom is showing your desired route. Sometimes it takes several efforts to make it work.

Hope that answers your question. Good luck!
Hi Alfie, thanks for prompt reply. My problem is that my preferred route runs parallel to a dual carriage way for approx 100 miles so
it would require many waypoints. I was hoping there was an easy solution. Looks like that is not possible. Thanks again for help.


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