Before I set up my TomTom XL 340TM...

Dec 10, 2009
Before I set up my TomTom XL 340TM, tell me what I should know so that I wouldn't have any problems.

I just purchased my TomTom XL 340TM from Amazon because it was at a great price. I've had experience with a previous model of TomTom in the past and it has never given me problems, however I have been reading the reviews on this model and I see that many people have been having problems.

So before I set up my new TomTom, I wanted to know the things I should do so I can make the setup as smooth as possible. Thanks in advance.:D
Make a full backup using Windows Explorer BEFORE you do anything with the device.

Next install TomTom Home_2 to your computer.

Update the device to ensure you have the latest software on the unit.

Use the Latest Map Guarantee which you will find in the "Tools" drop down in TomTom Home, this will download and install the latest map to your device. I would wait until the end of February before using the LMG though as a new map will be out at some point this month - Mike
Thank you very much.

I was reading the reviews on Amazon and one reviewer posted this. Since you are a moderator on this forum, I would like to know what you think about her method...

Got it out of the box and did a full backup like many others have suggested. That took more than an hour. Then downloaded a new map. After an hour, TomTom Home reports an error. Tried again. Another hour later, another error.

Tried to delete the map. Map not found, but something's still occupying more than 1Gb on the device. Checked online. Found a helpful post that says delete everything on the device and do an update. Did that. 30 mins later, got the new application installed. Tried map update. This time it seems to work. Left it running and went to bed.

Next morning, found that PC has gone into sleep mode. Woke PC up. Map updates 80% complete. Home continued where it left off. Another hour later, tried the device. Says "Map not found". Looks like the PC going to sleep messed it up.

Two days later. Still can't use the blasted thing. I'm returning this POS if I can't get it working by today.

TomTom, if you're listening, you have *got* to upgrade the USB on this device.


Ok, finally got everything setup and running. Here's what I learned.

1. Turn suspend off on the PC when downloading new maps. It'll take a while and if your computer goes to sleep in the meantime, you start fresh.
2. Memory is limited on this device. So do a full backup first, then free up everything you don't need. The best way to do this is delete *all* files on the device. Yes, all. To do this, access the device like you would a USB drive, then reformat.
3. Then install TomTom Home on your computer from their website. Then do a software update, then maps, then voice. This gives you the smallest possible footprint on your device. There are some things you just don't need, like the install program for the PC *and* MAC, both of which are found on the device out of the box.
4. Don't pull your hair out if the device says there's no compatible voice even after you've loaded one. Do a full reset. To do this with the latest application (at the time of writing), start with the device off. Then press and hold the power button. The device will powerup with a drumbeat sound effect, then go to a diagnostic screen. Hold down the power button all this time. After the diag screen, the device will power down, then reboot. Now release the power button. Then setup device as before.

Overall, its a good device with lots of options once you get past the annoying setup phase. All the settable options means that its easy to get distracted on the road with this thing however, so plan accordingly and don't drive into a ditch.

What do you think about this?
Make the Explorer backup as Mike has suggested.

Do NOT remove all the files as that quote shows.

After the backup, then attach to Home to see what is offered. If an application update is, then accept and install. Don't accept anything else at this point if there is an application update.

Then go into Home and If you'd like, use Home to remove voices you don't plan to use, recorded and, if showing, more than one computer voice.

Then you can go back and accept a map update. If you do get it and it installs, then make another Explorer backup to a different folder than your original.
Thanks for the info.

I have received my TomTom so I backed it up and then went in on Home and updated the program and then deleted all the extra voices and cars. Tomorrow I will update the maps and hopefully I won't have any problems.

Right now I have 127MB free on my device. Is that a sufficient amount of space that I should have on my device to have the map update run smoothly?

Also, would I be able to just keep the US map on my device and delete the Mexico & Canada maps?

Thank you.
Tomorrow I will update the maps and hopefully I won't have any problems.
WAIT! In a matter of a few days, there will be a NEW map coming (865). Please lurk here until you hear word that this map has been released so that you don't blow your one shot at a free update on a map that will become "old" in a matter of days. You've got 30 days from the first use of your unit to obtain your free update. No need to rush.

Right now I have 127MB free on my device. Is that a sufficient amount of space that I should have on my device to have the map update run smoothly?
No problem with a map update -- you've got memory to burn for the time being.

Also, would I be able to just keep the US map on my device and delete the Mexico & Canada maps?
No. It is not possible to disentangle the US/Canada/Mexico maps. They're all part of the same files.
Ok, thanks very much for replying. I will wait for the new map to come out before I update. Thanks for answering my questions.
Not a moderator, but have had 2 TomToms over the past 3 years. I see some validity in this statement:

1. Turn suspend off on the PC when downloading new maps. It'll take a while and if your computer goes to sleep in the meantime, you [will have to] start fresh.
I sit at the PC and watch the update process. It's very time consuming and takes about 1.5 hours. But, seems to be worth it to me so I don't get any errors or problems. Even though our PCs are USB 2 compatible, most of the TomTom's are only USB 1.1 and very slow. :rolleyes:
Actually, if a download is interrupted, a repeat of the download is supposed to pick up from the disruption point rather than from the start. That's the theory.

But I agree with you:
1. Better to do the download all at once
2. Silly that some models (like the 540) are only usb 1.1 compliant. Aggrevating.....:(
2. Silly that some models (like the 540) are only usb 1.1 compliant. Aggrevating.....:(

Is that a Go540 (like wot us brits have) or a different US model?
In the UK, the Go models including the Go540 have USB2 and it is the lesser ONE and XL models that still only have USB1.1

EDIT - Ahh you meant the XXL540
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