XXL 530S Frozen at at StarpUp on the TomTom Logo

Sep 11, 2011
My new TT XXL530S does not pass the TomTom Logo on startup. I have tried Deleting, reinstalling and updating the software with no success. I also tried scanning to TT drive for errors with no success either. Resetting the device by pressing the reset button did nothing. Is there another way to correct this issue since I bought this online and it would be a hastle to return.

First, look at the contents using Explorer (Finder, if a Mac) and delete the mapsettings.cfg file in the specific map folder.

Then try again to start up the unit.

If that doesn't work, connect the unit to Home and run the emulator (Operate my unit). Plan a trip and, in the city screen, make sure Canada is selected as the icon. Complete the trip and disconnect properly using Home's Device disconnect icon.

Any better?
I am running Vista...I browsed all the folders and could not find mapsettings.cfg, could this be the problem? There is no map folder.
Also where can I find the factory installed voices, they were deleted by accident.
"Operate my unit" does not work with this XXL, this feature is not supported by this device is the message I receive and it is grayed out.
I browsed all the folders and could not find mapsettings.cfg, could this be the problem? There is no map folder.
Also where can I find the factory installed voices, they were deleted by accident.

This seems to imply that a lot more has been going on than you've mentioned so far!

How were the voices accidentally deleted?

Is there a chance you deleted the named map folder at the same time? (the one called "North America" or "Western Europe" or something similar).

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