Updated USA map, now GPS Quickfix fails every time

Jan 2, 2011
540XXL. I updated the map (USA). Was offered for first time the zoned version...did SE zone.
That all went well....seemed to be even a bit faster than in the past, even though mb says it still uses almost all memory.

But the issue is that GPS Quickfix now will not install. I have run it numerous times. I closed all down and reconnected/restarted. Same Same. It starrts, bar runs a short way, stops, waits a while, then says there was an error.

What next?

I need quickfix. IT S SLOW to fix if QF is not up to date!
SlowER, but not necessarily SLOW. If you have ever gone more than a week without updating it, you already know how it looks when the ephemeris data gets a little 'stale'. That data is only good for 7 days anyway.
See >>> http://us.support.tomtom.com/app/an...~/what-is-quickgpsfix-and-how-do-i-update-it?

Sometimes the server has issues with the download of that data.
Find the location for where this data is stored on your PC. From Home, Tools / Home Preferences / Folders
The top line will be "Downloads". Click "Browse" over on the right. That shows where these files land.
Using your PC's OS and the information above regarding folder location, open folder "Download" / "Complete" / "ephemeris" / "QuickGPSfix "
Delete the 3 files you find there.
If you also see folders called "QuickGPSfix-1" and similar, do the same for them.

Then restart Home and try the download again.
Find the location for where this data is stored on your PC. From Home, Tools / Home Preferences / Folders
The top line will be "Downloads". Click "Browse" over on the right. That shows where these files land.
Using your PC's OS and the information above regarding folder location, open folder "Download" / "Complete" / "ephemeris" / "QuickGPSfix "
Delete the 3 files you find there.
If you also see folders called "QuickGPSfix-1" and similar, do the same for them. Then restart Home and try the download again.
I don't know whether it was doing the folder delete or just waiting overnight and trying again (I did both), but problem solved.

Thanks. I suspect it was the folder removal that fixed it.
Wasn't planning on having you remove the whole folder, but absolutely no harm in doing so. The next download attempt recreates it.
Our experience is that sometimes the content already downloaded blocks subsequent downloads. Removing the older stuff relieves the 'binary constipation'!

Glad to hear it's sorted.

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