Has my TomTom Start 25 Updated?

Apr 23, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom Start 25
I have recently bought a TomTom Start 25, which I connected to MyTomTom in the approved manner. I think it managed to do an initial update, but am not really certain. The MyTomTom task bar pop-up says it’s up-to-date. However, though my App version is 11.037, which appears to be the latest version, my European maps are version 870.3459 of 4/2011. The website states the latest version is 885.4250. Yesterday we drove to the Stratford City Shopping Centre in the East End of London, which opened last September and is immediately next to the Olympic Stadium. It doesn’t appear to be on the map. When I connect to the website it indicates there are updates available for my Start 25, even though the task bar indicates to the contrary. This is annoyingly ambiguous. My free update period is about to expire very soon and I would have liked to obtain any available updates before then and am certainly not prepared to pay £67 for an update for a device that cost me £170+ (including various extras). I’ve tried both Internet Explorer 8, Opera & Mozilla as browsers for the download. This falls into the ‘life is too short category’ and I also do not wish to join the many people who seem to have effectively destroyed their TomToms as a result of trying to update them, but only succeeded in deleting their existing maps or introducing some other glitch. I'd be interested to know if anyone knows whether or not this device has genuinely been updated, especially with respect to French speed cameras!

Sorry, but this doesn't answer my post, which you don't seem to have read carefully.

my European maps are version 870.3459 of 4/2011
OK - so they're outdated, and
My free update period is about to expire very soon and I would have liked to obtain any available updates before then
What 'free update period'? Did you just buy this unit and are you referring to the 30 day "Latest Map Guarantee" or some other program?

Can you identify for us what updates the web page says it is trying to get to you? Normally, there is some identification of the specific content of the update on the web page.
Sorry, my post was rather convoluted!

I bought my TomTom just under one month ago. According to the terms of purchase I have a one month period in which updates are free - the 30 day 'Latest Map Guarantee'. This expires on 23 May.

When I log on to the website it offers me updates, which then appear not to download when I request them. At the same time the task bar icon tells me that my TomTom is up to date - though my Start 25 still doesn't appear to have the latest version number for European maps. Which is correct - the website or MyTomTom? If the website is correct, why doesn't the EU update download?

I'm going on holiday to France in July and want to be certain that the French speed camera (removal) update is effective. (I've run a demo of part of one our planned journeys and have received no speed camera alerts so far.)

I'm using XP, with AVG Free 2012. I have Spybot & SpywareBlaster installed, though I disabled Spybot while attempting the download.


Your application is up to date at 11.037, so by rights, that isn't what is being offered. However, you are correct that your maps are out of date. It's going to be cutting it thin if you want to wait until early this next week to get 890. At least 885 (what is current right now) is two releases (1/2 year) more recent than what you have. To be sure you can take advantage of the 30 day LMG, I'd call Customer Support first thing Monday to see if they can assist in getting your map to you.

0845 161 0009
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. UTC

It would still help to know if the web page is providing ANY information about what sort of download is pending. That information and activity is accessed in the top blue bar on the web page under the "My Overview" header.
My Overview page tells me that:
'The latest map is waiting for you!'
2 ticked items are shown:
'Europe' (version 885 etc)
'Speed Cameras Europe' - 1 time update (full list of European countries, all ticked)

In practice, when I click on Start Download, I am warned about the need to delete my existing maps. I accept the choice, click on Start Download. The button is then greyed out and no download appears to happen. I have tried disabling my AV software, but that doesn't seem to make any difference. I have uninstalled & reinstalled MyTomTom with all AV software disabled. No difference.

MyTomTom tells me my device up to date.

Any ideas?

As noted above, I mainly use Opera but have also tried IE8 & Mozilla for this update.

Try clearing your cache in the desktop's icon Settings and save.

Then reset the unit by holding the power button about 10 seconds till you hear the drum sound. Reconnect to the computer, open up the MyTT page and see if the download is more successfull this time.
Thanks for the suggestion. However, after following your instructions, the MyTomTom task bar pop-up still says that my device is up-to-date, even before connection. After connection the website still offers me the same downloads. There is no change in the behaviour of the website etc and nothing appears to be happening when attempt the download.


There's an old adage: 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.' Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I’ll stick with what I’ve got. My general experience of help lines does not inspire confidence: expensive, time-consuming and frequently unsuccessful. Our device is currently working fine, even if the maps aren't absolutely the latest. Judging by consumer reviews on the Which? website and other internet correspondence, updates to SatNavs cause a huge amount of angst. TomTom's reputation for customer service appears dire. The update systems available seem to be very temperamental. Furthermore, I'm not keen on having to delete my existing maps, which is necessary before running the update. At present the Start 25 has no backup/restore facility. So, if things go wrong I can’t restore the device. The very first time I connected to MyTomTom, it did appear to successfully complete the small, mandatory update, as far as I can recall, and then confirmed that it was up-to-date. Since then the updater has failed.
Okay, sir..... your call. There is no question but updates to Nav3 devices are anything but 'seamless' for many.

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