TomTom has VIA115 changed from one to several maps WITHOUT TELLING!!

Apr 16, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/it.png" alt="Italy" /> Italy
TomTom Model(s)
I Have paid for maps update and I found, after paying that from all in one Europe map has gone to several maps to have Europe!!!
Tried to changed the area MyDrive connect has deleted the existin one with Italy + East side of Europe and I can NOT load anymore any map: it downloads on the PC thaen is blockd and I have a NO MAP TomTom + paid updates.......................
Asked 4 times Support to solve, NO SOLUTIO and today asked for the fourth time.
I believe your Via 115 has 4GB of memory, but it has no external uSD card slot - so it is necessary to live within the 4GB available. Many 2GB units without uSD card slots had this happen even earlier, and now impacts users in both Europe and North America. As TomTom embeds additional detail into their maps, they grow. They found ways to pare down the maps a bit, but this was inevitable. As dhn notes, it is now necessary to select from a selection of map 'zones' in order to fit a map onto these units.

Please let us know if you are having difficulty loading a map zone onto your unit, and we'll try to work through that with you.

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