Unable to install updated map to Go Live 1005

Nov 10, 2014
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Go Live 1005
Bought device back in June 2014. Instructions led me to connecting up to my computer and creating an expensive paperweight. Followed various forum links (eg FAQ - MyDrive troubleshooting tips) and some phone calls to Support. Eventually took back to shop. Helpful chap did a Hard Reset which I didn't know about and put it onto shop's computer, but no luck. He took it home that evening and succeeded.
Anyway. Decided to have a go updating it myself this time. Result - another paperweight!

My latest method for failure is as follows:
Uninstalled MyDriveConnect; confirmed Cache etc no longer existed; used Chrome with all history & cookies etc cleared; Hard Reset the device.
In the Asus RT-AC66U router:- Disabled Firewall; disabled DoS protection; disabled IPv6 Firewall.
On computer I have Norton Internet Security:- I switched off EVERYTHING for 1 hour option.
I went to the downloaded MDC installer (latest version) and ran it as administrator.
I switched on device, heard the drum roll, connected up to USB.
After a short while the Tomtom login webpage sparked up with my registered to device email address filled in.
I entered password.
Told me 1 update available, clicked INSTALL to get my Europe Camper map 3336MB.
Downloaded to 57% (as before, before ....)
"Failed to download..." message, "Network Error.."
Pressed "Network settings" = Direct conn to Internet, port 4000. Both verified ok.
Device Manager shows Tomtom as Network Adapter.
I have acres of room on computer drives.
Windows 7 64 bit.

I've given up with Customer Support. I'm hoping one of you chaps can give me a clue with regard to router or Norton IS settings?

Regards Penelope.
Try changing the default port to 5000 and save settings. If that doesn't work try a different browser.
Also, in MDC Settings, Connections, is the radio button (.) Use Systems Settings checked?

My preferred browser is Firefox.

If it stops again at 47 % disconnect the USB plug from the device and immediately reconnect.

No idea why but it has worked for me in the past.

Last resort, start the download before you go to bed. You may find that it has sorted itself out by the morning.
Thanks for replies. I re-instated Firefox (my preferred as well); changed to 5000; changed to "use system settings".
Before had a chance to switch off firewalls etc or connect up device, MyDriveConnect informed me it was downloading content to my computer. So I let it carry on. Stopped with same error box displaying. At same percentage as before, before ad inf...
Tried MDC with these same settings, but flushed cache and set it to download directly to device. Connected device. Watched the download with my router Traffic Monitor and although the rate was about half of that obtained when downloading to cache, it gave up the ghost with about same amount of data.
Last try. Firewalls etc etc all off; Firefox "cleaned"; altered MDC back to using the cache.
Gave up at same point again. Here is a copy of the cachestatus.xml file afterwards:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<url index="1" href="http://download.tomtom.com/nav3/937/nav3/Europe_Camper.ttpkg" percentage="57" contentLength="3499056502" cacheLength="2013265920" statusCode="206" timestamp="1415705303">
<md5x percentage="100" contentLength="14071" cacheLength="14071" statusCode="200" md5checked="false" computedMd5Hex=""/>
<url index="2" href="http://download-ephemeris.tomtom.com/nav3/ephemerides/gps-fix-20141110-084002.ttpkg" percentage="100" contentLength="61573" cacheLength="61573" statusCode="200" timestamp="1415704943">
<md5 percentage="100" contentLength="32" cacheLength="32" statusCode="200" md5checked="false" computedMd5Hex=""/>
Unless anyone has any other ideas I will do as you suggest and leave it "on" overnight, but, with firewalls etc all up.
Regards P.
Unless anyone has any other ideas I will do as you suggest and leave it "on" overnight, but, with firewalls etc all up.
Regards P.
Sorry, no better idea.
I never clear the cache for TomTom or Firefox and leave the firewall on.
Well I'm not sure how, but yesterday evening I succeeded in downloading the map to my computer cache. I was doing other stuff at my desk and had Tomtom connected up to computer. Every now and again I'd notice the network error message. I'd reach over and reset Tomtom & click retry. I had NIS running and the router firewall. Basically I'd given up and had decided to take it back to shop and pay to get it updated. However after a couple of hours had noticed it updating the device, just before it gave up again. I checked the cache. Yep, 3+ GB of data. Took a copy of it all just in case.
I could not update the device, though, but too late by then.
Today I shut down Norton, used Chrome etc and succeeded in loading the map. All my Favorites were still intact, too.

However, just now I logged onto Tomtom and it told me I have 2 updates waiting for me????? AND to connect up my Tomtom.
Sod that. I'm quitting whilst I'm still ahead.
Thanks guys.
There should not be any automatic download.
If you open MyDrive Connect and let it open MyDrive, then click My Content the My Updated and New Items box will show what is available if you remove the check mark(s) or don't click the green (Update Selected), nothing should happen.
At least you will know what is being offered.
If it is a QuickGPSFix, you want it. A Mapshare is ignorable.
Thanks Arno. I suppose after these bi-annual pains in the neck I don't trust that my system is configured to handle the update process. BUT, why, if I'd a perfectly working GPS, it should end up as a paperweight? Can't be all my fault. Seems to be no robustness in their updating program. No diagnostics, whatever. Try this try that. Loads of permutations. Anyway, if my map's out of date, I doubt it'll delay me more than the time I've spent trying to update it since purchased!
Regards Pen

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