Transferring POI'S from 750 to 6000

Sep 4, 2010
Right guys, I have POI'S in OV2 format and have them on MyDrive in the 'Places' folder under 'POI Files' how do I get them to go across to my device? I've connected and both are logged into the same account etc. They are files, some of them have quite a few POI'S in them, should i try one file at a time ? Any ideas ?
Here's a video on how to use MyDrive. POIS are discussed about the 2 minute 10 second mark. Also, poi files are only ov2 files, not any associated bmp files or sound files. Further, each ov2 file must be < 2 megs in size:

Thanks dhn, I'd got that far, I think I just tried to transfer too many at once. After I've chosen the files and put them in the "my places" file on my drive, will they upload when I connect my device ?
Your POI categories (.OV2) will show alphabetically at the bottom of My Places, without the ov2 extension.
When you tap a category, the Search screen opens and the individual POIs are listed by distance to current location.
Tapping any is like tapping a My Places or Recent Destination entry and you can proceed to plan the route to that destination.

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