Traffic receiver cable

Nov 1, 2019
portsmouth, hampshire. UK
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Via 53
Hi, I'm Jack holman, A new boy on the block. First of all as an excuse for my lack of technical terms and know how. I'm nearly 80 I'm glad to say. My problem, Via 53 is my device. I emailed Tomtom with a question with no response. Perhaps someone out there can help. Question, Do I need a traffic receiver cable with this device. As I didn't get a reply I purchased one from Amazon but I'm still getting a cross on the traffic jam symbol. Please what am I doing wrong. Regards Jack
Hi, Thanks for the confirmation that I have the correct cable. One more question if you don't mind. Is the cable the Arial and should it run along the dash board near the windscreen?. I have the little lump bit and 6 inch of cable on the dash, I've then taken the rest of it under the dash to the cigarette light connection. Many thanks. Regards Jack
If you're in a reasonably 'urban' area, the FM reception should be adequate with the egg dangling just about anywhere. Rural receptoin issues make keeping the egg up on the dash more important.

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