Smart Motorways : How to avoid them

Sep 10, 2021
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
GoLive Model 4ER51.
I have had great service from my GoLive Model 4ER51 for many years,

but having searched for the 'avoid motorways' setting, I can only presume that there is not that setting available due possibly to the age of the unit.

Having passed my test in 1958 I would prefer not to drive on the new 'Smart Motorways' and use the standard road system.

Could someone advise me as to which model Tom Tom provides this choice please.

Kind regards
4ER51 is an FCC designation, not the Model number. I have a GO Live 1535 (trade name under which it was sold, it is a model FQ5231) which carries FCC number 4ER50.

That said, I presume that your model already allows to avoid Motorways as follows:

Start device >> Tap screen >> Tap Settings >> Tap right arrow >> Tap Route planning >> Tap Route types >> Tap Next >> Tap Yes and you are done.
Please try that and let us know how you made out.

If you wanted to find the model of your device you could again start at Settings >> Right >> Right >> Right >> Right >> Right >> Me and my device >> About my device.
Use Done >> Back >> Done to go to your main screen.

Since this ability existed already at tha time, all newer model have it too and, should you want to change pick a model with a larger screen.
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