Remote control not detected by Carminat Build in Renault Clio 3

Dec 8, 2019
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Carminat Build-in Renault Clio 3
Good evening

I recently bought a Renault Clio 3 with a Carminat Tom-tom and the remote control. It was working fine, battery gone down and I changed them.

Since that, the gps doesn't detect the remote control and when I press the buttons of the remote nothing happen. I tried after reading a few forums to reset the settings of the gps, I change the batteries again and made sure they were good ones, didn't leave the remote in the car in case it got too cold... Checked the book in my car nothing is said, and my gps doesn't tell me anything - if an update is needed or anything.

I went on Tom-tom website and talked to that robot - useless -, no phone numbers neither so I can't call.

I go to France in 10 days and I need this remote to work otherwise I can't use the gps at all. Must be something easy, but I don't find anything on internet and I don't know where to ask anymore.

Please could you help ?

Many thanks
Try calling support tomorrow. Don't list a model when prompted in order for a live agent to respond:

United Kingdom
02079 490 134
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
I have the same question as above. My Carminate Tomtom does not find my remote control after changing batteries.
Good evening

I recently bought a Renault Clio 3 with a Carminat Tom-tom and the remote control. It was working fine, battery gone down and I changed them.

Since that, the gps doesn't detect the remote control and when I press the buttons of the remote nothing happen. I tried after reading a few forums to reset the settings of the gps, I change the batteries again and made sure they were good ones, didn't leave the remote in the car in case it got too cold... Checked the book in my car nothing is said, and my gps doesn't tell me anything - if an update is needed or anything.

I went on Tom-tom website and talked to that robot - useless -, no phone numbers neither so I can't call.

I go to France in 10 days and I need this remote to work otherwise I can't use the gps at all. Must be something easy, but I don't find anything on internet and I don't know where to ask anymore.

Please could you help ?

Many thanks
I have the same question as above. My Carminate Tomtom does not find my remote control after changing batteries
Call for support:

Nederland (Holland)
020 850 1022
Maandag t/m vrijdag : 09:00 tot 17:30

You posted in 2 threads.
I deleted your post in the other one so that potential replies are not being split.
You could try chat support:

España (Spain)
Lunes-Viernes: 09:00-17:30
Good evening

I recently bought a Renault Clio 3 with a Carminat Tom-tom and the remote control. It was working fine, battery gone down and I changed them.

Since that, the gps doesn't detect the remote control and when I press the buttons of the remote nothing happen. I tried after reading a few forums to reset the settings of the gps, I change the batteries again and made sure they were good ones, didn't leave the remote in the car in case it got too cold... Checked the book in my car nothing is said, and my gps doesn't tell me anything - if an update is needed or anything.

I went on Tom-tom website and talked to that robot - useless -, no phone numbers neither so I can't call.

I go to France in 10 days and I need this remote to work otherwise I can't use the gps at all. Must be something easy, but I don't find anything on internet and I don't know where to ask anymore.

Please could you help ?

Many thanks
Hi. Just sussed it. Have you got any other Bluetooth devices working in the car. I fitted a new Bluetooth radio in my campervan and my tomtom wouldn't work when the radio was in use. I turned the Bluetooth off on the radio and everything is back to normal with the tomtom. So I'm thinking the remote was connecting to the new radio instead of the tomtom. Hope this helps
Welcome to TomTomForums.

Thanks for posting that.
There are not many Carminat users in the list and this is a peer-to=peer support group.
Hi. Just sussed it. Have you got any other Bluetooth devices working in the car. I fitted a new Bluetooth radio in my campervan and my tomtom wouldn't work when the radio was in use. I turned the Bluetooth off on the radio and everything is back to normal with the tomtom. So I'm thinking the remote was connecting to the new radio instead of the tomtom. Hope this helps

Isn't there a pratical solution other than calling the tomtom support? I'm having the same issue now. Thx
On Carminat, a remote control connects automatically if it does not connect, either the batteries or its your remote control.

In any case Tomtom will not be able to do anything for you.
Hi. Just sussed it. Have you got any other Bluetooth devices working in the car. I fitted a new Bluetooth radio in my campervan and my tomtom wouldn't work when the radio was in use. I turned the Bluetooth off on the radio and everything is back to normal with the tomtom. So I'm thinking the remote was connecting to the new radio instead of the tomtom. Hope this helps
Thanks for that would never of thought of that being the cause

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