Problems with having 3 TomToms...

Jun 5, 2007
Portland, OR
TomTom Model(s)
910, ONE, Nav 5 on a T3
For various reasons (this is the ?short version? of my posting) I have the following units: TT Nav 5 on a Palm T3, brand-new ONE, and a slightly used 910. I have done the following in this order: 1) ?changed device? twice at and don?t think I can change from my Nav 5 for a couple months, 2) backed up my ONE using HOME, and 3) made multiple back-ups of my 910, before ordering the latest maps from TomTom (or at least the free 6.65 version). I have not yet actually downloaded the maps (I don?t think), but I did order them while logged into my account with the Nav 5 device.

Question 1) I only have 1 email address and TomTom says I can only have 1 device per account. It appears the account name must be my email address. How do I manage maps/voices etc at when I have multiple devices and 1 email address? What do I do when HOME wants account information & I?m locked into my Nav 5 (for now)?

Question 2) Is HOME smart enough to manage my ONE and 910 devices? When I look at what is on the ?My Computer? section in HOME, it looks like the data is from the ONE back-up, even when the 910 is hooked up. If I download the new maps intending to install them into my 910, is HOME going to get confused when I try work with my ONE? Will it try to load maps onto the ONE if I hook it up to HOME first?

Question 3) I have all 3 devices listed in the ?My Products? in my account. Will I trigger some kind of response if I open another account & list the product number again in the next account?

Question 4) What if I change email addresses? Will I no longer have access to purchase PLUS-type items?

Okay, that?s more than 4 questions, but I?m trying to be organized.

Response concerning these issues from TomTom support was ?At this point, our research team confirmed that there is a limit of 1 device per device code stored in each customer's account! Therefore, you cannot store multiple devices on the account. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.? That was it. When I replied this was not helpful and asked what I should do, they said, ?We understand that you are not satisfied with certain matters from your previous message. TomTom, however, aims at providing good solutions to our customers. Please inform us about your objection/complaint in writing [italics added] since we cannot offer a suitable solution to your problem within the existing procedures.? They then gave me the address to The Netherlands and said they would get back to me on the 5th Sunday in February. Okay, not really, but they did say write headquarters & wait for a response from them. Not exactly more helpful.

Any suggestions in managing multiple devices? Thanks for reading & I hope this makes sense.
Sounds like TomTom corporate needs a new registration management system.

It really sounds like TomTom never considered the possibility that a customer might choose to own more than one of their devices. :eek:

So, I guess it wouldn't be a simple matter of associating each device with a unique email address...huh? Getting free email addresses is easy enough to do, but if TomTom also binds the email to a specific name and address, you would have to make your personal information for each device unique as well. Surely TT could handle that...No?

I guess the shortest/obvious path is to find out if you can create unique accounts for each device.

No doubt, you're getting boilerplate responses to your emailed questions. Some quality time on the phone might net you some actionable Keep us informed of how it's going. It's an interesting dilemma that TomTom is going to have to deal with...or face losing repeat customers.
have seperate emails for each unit. I have my 910 and I gave my ONE to my other half. When I first purchased the ONE, I had to create another email account for PLUS and other features.
If at some point in the future I have to change email addresses, will I lose the PLUS stuff associated with that account?

I believe I will be able to change my device from the Nav 5 to the 910 in the near future. This will allow me to use my ?regular? email account for the 910, and might solve part of my problem. The ONE is currently a ?loaner? for family visiting on an extended basis, and may be regulated to step-child.

Pedro2NR, do you use the same computer/HOME software to manage your two devices? Can HOME do it without confusing the ONE and the 910? I?m worried that when I download the 6.65 maps, I?m going to bugger up my ONE.

The really weird thing is that let me get the 6.65 map upgrade for my 910 at no charge when the device registered to my email is actually the Nav 5. It asked for my S/N and Product number and figured I could have them the update though this info is obviously different than the Product number associated with the Nav 5. And, come to think of it, I tried to log into my account a while back using HOME with the 910 attached & HOME said something to the effect of, ?sorry Charlie, you can?t use this account with this device.? Uh oh. It might not let me have my maps. My dock is not here, so I can?t check until later. This might be a problem, at least until I change my device.

Thank you so much for the replies. I really appreciate everyone?s input.
I am down to managing 2 TomToms: a new ONE (internal gig) and a 910. Using HOME, I did a backup of the ONE (backup01). I then did a backup to the 910 without voices (backup02), and one more 910 (backup03) with voices.

Now, when I hook my 910 up to HOME, the info on "My Computer" is the content from the ONE, not the 910. How do I get HOME to show me the content from the 910 backup?

I have attached some jpg's from HOME showing the "My Computer" vs "My GO 910". Note that "My computer" shows USA and Canada maps vs "My GO 910" shows the North America maps.


  • mycomputer1.jpg
    13.7 KB · Views: 375
  • my910.jpg
    15.3 KB · Views: 369
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Thanks for the tip, Pedro.

That appears to work if I want to do a complete restore, but what if I want to replace partial information. For instance, what if I delete some voices to make room for music on my 910. Then later, I want to put those voices back. Or, say I delete the European POI info from my 910. How do I put it back when I decide to go to Europe? Right now, all I can see in HOME is the content from the ONE.
you would have to go to your tomtom directory manually (windows explorer) and copying the files (voices & POIs) and saving them to your computer. Erase them from your computer to save room. When you want them back, copy the files back into your tomtom directory.
I never use "home" to backup my Go 510. In fact I think ive only used the "home" program the first time. I just take out the 2gig SD card and use my card reader (and its much faster too)

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