Poor mapping

Jan 24, 2008
Ammanford, Wales
TomTom Model(s)
Go Discover 7"
Go Discover 7"
Application Version 22.200.0006
Installed maps WORLD [no version number shown but unit states it is up to date]

This unit has been mostly good in the UK at planning routes to addresses and businesses in contrast to the USA where it was terrible at finding businesses. However, this thread concerns the unit after the latest map updates earlier this week.
UK routine trips are showing the strangest routing.

Yesterday, on a scheduled trip from Ammanford to Rhayader [Wales] the unit decreed that the destination was on a blocked road and suggested I turn off from the main road onto narrow lanes 6 miles from the town. I ignored the 'advice' and continued to my destination. Sure enough, the road in question was closed some 5 miles after my destination!

The return journey, to a hotel The Trout Inn, Beulah also had the same message 'your destination is on a closed road' [or words to that effect] when no such closure was evident and I'd driven this road on my way to Rhayader!!!!
Ignoring the message, when I arrived at the junction of the B4358/A483 the unit was advising me to turn left and that the destination was a further 4 miles along. Alas not, The Trout Inn is the first building on the left on the actual junction. Okay, it was wrong. I can correct on Mapshare I thought but no, Mapshare already records The Trout Inn at the correct location ???

Additionally, Mapshare corrections I made last September, despite being fixed, have still yet to be included in the map updates.

Very frustrating and confusing.
I'd look at the February map release for corrections made in September 2022.
Moving this one from the GO Android (phone) section over here to the Nav4-WiFi device section. Hope the OP finds the redirect.
@elton - We're over here!

Given that this is a "Discover" unit, it doesn't depend upon quarterly map updates (it's an NDS map based unit), and is updated much more frequently on an incremental basis. Seems like map updates are offered about weekly for these devices.

I've not been able to correlate my own approved MapShare updates to Discover (or GO Android) updates on any kind of timeline yet.

Of interest, I am presently offered a 12.1GB update to the USA map. That's much bigger than I had anticipated, and is apparently a full base map update (and then some!). Not sure what that's about.
Thanks for moving the thread @canderson
The USA Map update I was offered was only in 100's of MB ... guess I have something to look forward to ... having said that, I only hjave about 10 states on my unit. Just the states we'll be visiting this year.
TomTom started off weekly updates but that rather fizzled out about 6-months ago ... since then updates have become infrequent, and major updates have contained less than favourable content/routing.

When you posted on Friday, I checked online with Traffic Wales which was reporting:

A470 : Both directions : Llangurig to Rhayader : Flooding : Road closed
TomTom MyDrive was also reporting an incident 2 miles south of Rhayader, likewise with the road closed.

We get similar notifications from Traffic England /Highways Agency regarding road closures on the M25, where the reported closures do not match the 'actual physical road' closures…...

On my Go Discover it navigated to your destinations avoiding the A470, so not sure why you got the ‘destination was on a blocked road’ although I selected the ‘centre of both destinations’.

I have since updated the maps on my Go Discover and got the same results.

My Go Discover also finds the Trout Inn immediately at the junction of the B4358/A483, so I was puzzled by your Discover reporting it to be 4 miles further on, but have spotted today there are 3 POI’s for the Trout Inn, one in the Hotel/ Beds category, and two as a drinks location………:rolleyes:

The second POI is on the A483 / borders with Llanwrtyd Wells and must have been placed there in error by the Trout Inn staff.

You can try to get it deleted on Mapshare although my success rate in similar cases is poor as TomTom rejected my deletion of an erroneous POI advising me I was not the “Business Owner”……………:(
Thanks for the reply.

It was strange for sure ... the destination in Rhayader was the car park that was not on a blocked road at all.
If my destination had been Llanidlois I'd have expected a detour of sorts but not the centre of Rhayader car park!
South of Rhayader there was no incident at all and we travelled both ways ... however, the Go Discover was showing the road in a red hatch and advising the destination [The Trout Inn] was on a blocked road. Then after about a mile on the B4358, the red hatch disappeared and the warning was not displayed again.

I will not waste my time with Mapshare as apart from them resolving the very first few map amendments. everything else has been 'marked' as fixed but hasn't been! So I'm not wasting any more time with them.

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