Very poor recalculaing of routes to any POI

Aug 29, 2014
TomTom Model(s)
Very strange issue i have with me new TomTom XL IQ routes UK ROI unit. I have updated the unit to latest maps, application, postcodes and QuickGPSfix (all available updates)

Route planning Settings - IQ route planning on. Fastest route.
Map + navcore versions - 935.5753 + 9.510

Whats strange is when i ask it to navigate to a address that i enter manually (postcode, street), i can divert from the planned route and it recalculates accordingly with no problems. However, when i do the same whilst navigating to a POI the unit does not recalculate sensibly.

Real life examples - i navigated from close to home to a nearby park and university, both times i took alternative routes, and got to the destination completing ignoring the recalculted route, it never at any point recognised my routes and adjusted, kept telling me togo onto main roads - when i arrived at both destinations the unit was still telling me i had 3 or 4 miles remaing! This was about the same distance that was calculated initially from home.

What am i doing wrong?
When you ask for an address, the device will usually take you to the point on the street that best matches that address. It's when you use POI that this can be a problem.

You're describing something that MAY be related to the location of the POI on the map. By any chance was a POI very close to a main road .. closer than to the appropriate road for access? I will give you an example of what we sometimes see so that you can compare it to what you experienced.

Let's assume that you wish to access a store in a large shopping center, and that the POI location of this store is very near the 'back' of the shopping center whose rear faces a major M highway (I'll use a U.S. interstate highway as an example). Unless the parking lot is mapped, if the POI is closer to the highway than any other known road (the one that would give you access to the shopping center!) the device will attempt to drop you on a road point nearest the location of the POI, even if that means the shoulder of the interstate highway!

So please plan such a route again and see if the destination point that the device selects is actually on the main road near the POI instead of on a road that could actually take you to the POI.
We do a fair bit of geo-caching and use TT to get close to ground zero and quite often it takes you to the closest point on the road and that can be an on the side of interstate, the other side of a fence even a small pond or a shopping center that is less than 300 M from the interstate. We then get our handheld GPS to get in closer to GZ.

That being said a GPS is a navigation aid and it isn't always 100% accurate, sometimes you need common sense.
Indeed. And a GSAK user as well, so you know about the easy way to create those *.ov2 files for your 920!
Thank you for your responses. I guess in summary what you're saying is that the 'destination' for a POI may not actually lie at the POI, just close bye and possibly at a nearby main road. Lesson learnt. In the examples above, both POI's i tested were close to main roads.

Since the navigator handles navigation to manuallly entered address fine i guess the unit itself is fine. Thanks again
It's been an ongoing problem ever since TomTom started tying down building locations for POI and not just an approximate location on the curb of the street. It's when those building locations get closer to another road that the device can make this mistake. The good news is that more and more lots are being mapped (just spotted two new ones in the 935 map today) and this is alleviating the problem and actually making routing better in those cases. Still messes up when they're not, though!

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