New to TT. Need Info on Loading Third Party Apps

Apr 9, 2012
California USA
TomTom Model(s)
XXL 550T
I am new to Tomtom and just bought an XXL550T. Could someone provide an overview on what "apps" could i load on my tomtom to get more functionality? I do have the easy menu device and among other things, i need to break it so i have access to full menu. Could someone provide info on that as well?

Some of the apps I'd like to load

(1) Putting my outlook contacts into the address book so i can just use address from address book as destination
(2) Loading fuel prices
(3) Loading traffic camera info


Also, is there a list of available apps somewhere I could look at? I am sure there are other apps out there that i have not thought about.
TomTom don't support ANY third-party apps any more, so most of the ones that used to work don't any more and with a couple of notable exceptions, no one is updating the old ones or writing any new ones.

Having said that, some of the things you're after don't need third-party apps, just third-party content.
For example, speed camera databases are available which just use the standard user-POI abilities of the TomTom. Many other POI files are also available for just about anything you may want to drive to.

1. Not possible AFAIK. I've never seen a way to add an address to the contacts list (that's why they don't call it an address book!) and no way to navigate to a contact either.

But you CAN add places as a POI category with addresses and navigate to those.
There are also tools available to help create the POI file from a list of addresses.

2. AFAIK, fuel prices are only available from TomTom direct as part of their LIVE Services, and you don''t have Live Services on that model. Sorry.

3. Pocket GPS World do the best third-party Speed Camera database for theUK. They also cover Europe and the US, as do SCDB, but I suspect a US-based supplier would be a better bet. Try ?

Custom menus... Have a look at

There's a sample file but the link to the old "Menu builder" website doesn't work any more

List of third-party apps - I used to maintain a list here: Add-on Programs For Your Tomtom - A Growing List, but apart from "TripMaster" and "Height" I don't think many work any more.
Couple more tid-bits:

There is a different Menu Designer program which is useful with *certain* TomTom Navcore applications and is still found HERE

Andy, I hadn't previously seen your "Add-ons Program" listing! Wonder if it would be useful (for the few who still have an interest in using these programs) if that list could be updated then transferred here and made a Sticky in the 3rd Party Software Forum?

FWIW Offoad Navigator is another one which works for me.
[FONT=Tahoma,Arial,Verdana]TomTom Menu Designer[/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma,Arial,Verdana]Beta version 1.12 (Windows XP / Vista)[/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma,Arial,Verdana]29 January 2007[/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma,Arial,Verdana]TomTom Menu Designer[/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma,Arial,Verdana]Beta version 1.12 (Windows XP / Vista)[/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma,Arial,Verdana]29 January 2007[/FONT]
Thanks Alfie, I thought there was another menu builder, but I;d lost the bookmark for it somehow..

I can certainly port over the list to here... But it would be quite a job for someone to check what still works and what doesn't though. Are you offering? :D
. . .I can certainly port over the list to here... But it would be quite a job for someone to check what still works and what doesn't though. Are you offering? :D

Before agreeing to anything I might regret, I will first do some initial investigation on 3rd Party Software still available for and working on my XL340S. No can do for any other Navcores.

In the mean time, perhaps it would be useful to move this discussion over to 3rd Party Software?
Before agreeing to anything I might regret, I will first do some initial investigation on 3rd Party Software still available for and working on my XL340S. No can do for any other Navcores.

In the mean time, perhaps it would be useful to move this discussion over to 3rd Party Software?

Here's my old list ported over... See Third Party Add-ons - a "first draft" list.

Consider your self hired! :lol:

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