Need info about GO720

Apr 12, 2010
Does GO720 supports IQ routs? If it does how and where to get-it?

How old is my GO720:
Appl - 7.221
GPS - v. 1.21
Boot - 5.4106
Map - NA v. 710.1584

So far for past 2 weeks has been working good and I am afraid to update (after reading so many problems after updating). Have not even installed TomTom Home CD on my PC. If I install CD can I some how keep it inactive so it does not automatically start as soon as I connect GO720 to PC?

Also, do I have to register with TomTom for warranty ( using TTH ) or can I register by going to using their internet web site?

Thanks for help.
Does GO720 supports IQ routs? If it does how and where to get-it?

How old is my GO720:
Appl - 7.221
GPS - v. 1.21
Boot - 5.4106
Map - NA v. 710.1584

So far for past 2 weeks has been working good and I am afraid to update (after reading so many problems after updating). Have not even installed TomTom Home CD on my PC. If I install CD can I some how keep it inactive so it does not automatically start as soon as I connect GO720 to PC?

Also, do I have to register with TomTom for warranty ( using TTH ) or can I register by going to using their internet web site?

Thanks for help.

Your unit is almost 3 years old (so are the application and installed map. I can't believe your warranty is still in effect since it is only for one year (your model was available in September 2007 or earlier.

I'd download the latest version of Home from here rather than using the CD.

Then (if you want to have IQ routing), update your unit and accept ONLY the application. It may take a few sequences of installing the application, disconnecting properly from Home using the device disconnect icon in the lower right of the screen, restarting, reconnecting and getting a newer application version till it doesn't offer any more (the latest is 8.351).

Then, you can purchase the latest NA map. You'll then have IQ routing on your unit.

I'd also suggest this:
Get a 4-gig sdhc card for your unit, the faster the better (class 6 is good). Put it in the unit and install the new map on the card instead of internal. It'll save possible grief later and give much flexibility.
Thank you DHN for help,

a - When you say "disconnecting properly from Home using the device disconnect icon" do you mean disconnect icon on lower right on PC screen or Home window?

b - Also, to update from Home "application only" and NOTHING ELSE?

c - When you say "restarting" do you mean PC or Home?

Correct me if I am wrong:
1 - download Home ( what is latest version?)
2 - Start Home program
3 - Connect my GO720 to PC and turn GO720 on (is this correct sequence?) or turn 720 on first then connect to PC?
4 - Say "Yes" to connection to PC
5 - Will Home give me choice of what to update, not as bundle but rather individual items?
6 - Select "application" for update and update-it
7 - Disconnect GO720 properly (using Home window or PC screen?)
8 - Restart ( Home, GO720 or PC? )
9 - Reconnect GO720 and download next offered "application update" if any offered by Home?

Sorry for being like "first grader in school" but this is my first TT ever, before I always used Lawrance and Navigon, completely different approach. I will be using 4-gb C6 SDHC by Transcend for map.

One more question, when I get map onto SD, do I insert SD into 720 and then turn the unit on or turn unit on first and then insert SD?

Amazon claimed this unit is new and still has warranty (?). (NOT REFURBISHED)

Once again, thanks a lot for your help.
1 - download Home ( what is latest version?)
2 - Start Home program
3 - Connect my GO720 to PC and turn GO720 on (is this correct sequence?) or turn 720 on first then connect to PC?
4 - Say "Yes" to connection to PC
5 - Will Home give me choice of what to update, not as bundle but rather individual items?
6 - Select "application" for update and update-it
7 - Disconnect GO720 properly (using Home window or PC screen?)
8 - Restart ( Home, GO720 or PC? )
9 - Reconnect GO720 and download next offered "application update" if any offered by Home?

1. is the latest version for a Windows PC.
3. It doesn't matter. Once you power on the 720, the screen on the unit (once you have the unit attached by usb cable to the computer) will ask if you want to connect to the computer. Say 'yes'.
5. Yes, but it will probably say a newer application is available. Just accept that for now and go through the routine I mentioned earlier.
7. Home will have a blue up arrow icon on the lower right of the screen. Click that for device disconnect. A window will appear that it is ok to disconnect but it is safer to wait some seconds to ensure current data has been written to the flash drive. Then simply power off the 720 while still in its cradle.
8. Restart the 720 unit.
9. Yep, you got it.........

Once everything is done, make an Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit's contents.

You can insert the card into the unit while the unit is off. If it asks which storage location to use, select the card. The reason is since you got the unit at Amazon (which is an authorized online reseller of TomToms, once you have updated to the latest application, go for Home's Menu of Toos-->Latest Map guarantee and see if a new (845) map is offered. If so, you want to install it on the card.

If not offered, call support at 866-486-6866. Technically, if a unit is over a year old even if new, TT doesn't have to offer the LMG (it's in the fine print somewhere on their site) but you make get a sympathetic support agent who will make it available to you.

No-go, every time I tried to get to update the application, I get message that something wrong with their server.
I loged-in as asked, it also asked if I want to connect with my account - I said OK and still no-go.

Also I had to start my 720 before placing on their USB cradle, when I placed first on cradle and then started my unit, it did not asked to hook-up to computer instead it just booted to map screen.

I did disable auto detection mode on Home main menu (preferences) and also auto download, made it to operate manually ( in preferences - item 1 and 2 unchecked).

Thanks for help.
The TT server is being goofy tonight, so don't assume you have a particular problem there. Give it another go in 24 hours or so after they've had a chance to clean up the mess, whatever it is.
Will my old map, NA v. 710.1584, work with newer application 8.351, until I can get newer version of map? Will there be any shortcomings? ( not considering that that there will be newer streets absent ). Also, will IQ routes feature work in this situation?

Thanks a lot for help.
If you don't plan to update your map at this time, there is no reason to update the application.

While 8.351 will probably be backwards compatible with the map, you still will NOT get IQ routing as no map earlier than 805 had that information imbedded in it.
canderson and dhn,

Thank you for all your help. Will keep trying to update application and find out the cost of latest map. Meanwhile will test 720 with itineraries created on "Tyre" and loaded into 720.

Maybe some body can use this: IROCK FM transmitter works extremely well with 720 and completely suppressed commercial FM station that comes strong in S.F. CA. area. Since I am hard of hearing I use this transmitter (connected to 720 audio out plug-in) through my car radio, sounds great. Transmitter is apx. 2.5" long by 5/8"w. uses 1-ea AAA battery, good for 12-hrs continuous use.

Again thanks for all help.

Just done updating my 720 application, here is what I got now:

Appl: 8.300
GPS: v.1.20
Boot: 5.5015
Map: 710.1584
Internal memory = 15.1 mb free.

Took outside and turned on, so far all seem to work, even the itineraries that I loaded today using "TYRE" work.
Checked on TomTom site cost of newest map already loaded on SD, it is $80.60 (GBP-52.50).

Will NA map 845 work with this application (8.300) and IQ route?

Since I am not to confident purchasing map to download from Home maybe it is better for me to get one already loaded on SD. I will still be needing guidance how to use that map.

To bad all this "fun to use" gadgetry came to late in my life, (going on 71).

Thank you very much for helping me.
Yes, you can play 845 maps on 8.300 code (and get ALG as part of the deal), but Home should offer to bring you up to 8.351 level code.

I understand the need for a bit of volume. The tiny speakers on GPS units do as well as they can, but it's not even "His Master's Voice" quality <yeah, my age is showing, too!> Glad to hear you found an FM modulator that works well for you. I also route my audio through the car system.

Once you've made your decision as to which way you wish to purchase the map, keep us posted.
Hi everybody,

Reading instructions on TomTom Home about how to initialize SD card so that TT Home recognizes-it and use it to download new map not the flash card on board, (in essence they want me to connect 720 to computer and use Home to back-up), then turn off unit insert SD, connect to Home and restore the back-up onto SD, then and only then (they say) Home will recognize SD when I place it into card reader and download map.

Question is, why cant I restore my back-up (done on Windows Explorer) into SD (again using Windows Explorer) then place SD into 720, turn on and see if Home will recognize-it?

The other question is, having same OS (on internal and external flash) wont that create conflict in 720? If I only copy map from internal to external, it may not be recognized by Home if it has to see application. To bad they do not provide clearly what needs to be on SD for Home to recognize-it. Unless they mean (but not said) that internal flash has to be cleaned from old stuff and new installed.

By the way, can internal flash be removed and replaced with new one of 4gb and then 720 be connected to PC and back-up be restored into it using Windows Explorer (by select all and copy)? Has anybody ever done it that way with success?

Thank you for help.
First of all, NEVER use Home to backup your unit's contents, use Explorer.

Next, you can put a blank sdhc card in the unit, connect the unit to Home and Home will recognize that there is a card in the unt. And in this day and age, essentially all sdhc cards are initialized as soon as you take them out of the package.

The way TomTom works is that if it detects an application on a sdhc card, it boots from the card first, regardless of where the map is located. So, yeah, you could have the same application in both locations and the unit will boot from the card. But why would you want to do that?

There are reasons why some people have different application/map combinations on the card and internal but for most users, having it in one location is quite ok.

Finally, there is no way to switch the 2 gig internal flash for a 4 gig and you don't need to. The 720 can handle a 32 gig sdhc card to essentially give a total of 34 gigs of storage.

Nobody has that many maps and mp3s !! (I don't think .........:D )
Tried to download new map, offered for free by TTHome to my SDHC, it was going smooth to the last 5 minutes but then it came up with problem:

ERROR: Internal/AssertFail: Code bug: We're sorry but an error has occurred during the use of HOME on your computer. Please contact Customer Support.
item using Durham encryption scheme expected
Severity: 1105
0. function assert chrome://tthome/content/logic/util.js:473
throw new Bug(errorStr, "Internal/AssertFail" + (id ? "/" + id : ""));
1. chrome://tthome/content/logic/model/ttNavItem.js:754
assert(this._drm && this._drmScheme == "durham", "item using Durham encryption scheme expected")
2. chrome://tthome/content/ui/subtask/installSelectSome/installSelectSome.js:718
let copiedItem = localItem.createCopyWithDurhamCertificate(certificateFile);
3. chrome://tthome/content/logic/util.js:79
return func.apply(obj, arguments);
4. chrome://tthome/content/logic/downloader.js:424
5. chrome://tthome/content/logic/downloader.js:396

Time: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 18:45:11 GMT

Any chance to get explanation what to do?

I have no clue what 99% of the convoluted messages mean, including this one.

The only thing I can suggest is to try again later. Their dl servers are flaky at the best of times.
Thanks dhn,

I did try downloading map again, it took 3-hrs but this time it did download and installed into 4gb SDHC. Since I had copy of all system restored into SD, TTHome recognized-it and on lower right corner of Home it was shown as TT Go 720 and gear-like wheel was spinning. So now, sorry, but need another advice:

1 - Can I place this SD into GO 720 sd slot to use-it?
2 - Will I have to go to "change map" in menu to select SD or will 720 automatically go to it?
3 -It should not conflict with stuff on internal drive?
4 -Can this SD be left in sd slot of 720 to be used all the time?

It sure is easier to use SD for any downloads and keep 720 unit away from possible harm from TTHome. At least I always be able to fall back on original program (even thought it has outdated map).

Thanks a lot to all who helped me with this project. Will let you know what will happen, soon as SD installed ( and hopefully recognized by 720) but will insert only after get answers for 4 above questions.
1 - Can I place this SD into GO 720 sd slot to use-it?
2 - Will I have to go to "change map" in menu to select SD or will 720 automatically go to it?
3 -It should not conflict with stuff on internal drive?
4 -Can this SD be left in sd slot of 720 to be used all the time?

Make an Explorer backup of your new map first and foremost.

1. If the new map is on the card just insert into the unit. It seems you also have the system files on the card. If so, TT will boot from the card.
2. If it is the only map either on sdhc card or internal, you don't have to change the map. If you still have the lower version map on internal, use Explorer to move it to the computer.
3. As I said, you have no reason to have both an updated NA map and an earlier one.
4. Yep, no need to remove it.

Everytime you connect to Home, it'll ask do you want to use the memory card or internal. Select memory card.

Thanks for answer. As I stated, the only reason for keeping old map on internal is like insurance, if SD fails for any reason, I can take-it out and use what I have on internal drive.

Tomorrow will be the test, driving from SF to Sacramento using created ITN.

Forgot to ask how to activate IQ and where to look for it? What earliest map version it came with?

Thanks for all help.
With app 8.351, any map from 815 on will have it.

In planning preferences, first screen, bottom, is a button to enable IQ routing. Understand that IQ routing only kicks in if you pick 'fastest'

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