I need some information on the TOM TOM company!!!!!!!!!!?????

May 1, 2008
A) Introduction of the Company & its Industry:

1) Introduce the organization.
a. When was the organization founded, why and by whom?
b. What is company mission?
c. What is the business model of the company? In other words, what is
the basic profit generating idea behind the company?
d. Organizational information such as traditional hierarchical or modern flexible? Departmental structure? Organization chart? Organizational culture?

2) What is the specific industry and its competitors?
a. Who are major competitors? Intensity of rivalry?
b. Threat of new competitors entering the industry? Existence of barriers to entry?

B) Environments:.

1) What political/legal forces affect the industry?
a) Legislation, court judgments?
b) Environmental regulations and enforcement of antitrust regulations?
c) Trade regulations and tariffs?
d) Political stability?

2) What economic forces affect the industry?
a) Interest rates, inflation, exchange rates?
b) Energy costs? Material costs? Labor costs?
c) Stage of the economic cycle?
d) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

3) What social forces affect the industry?
a) Social traditions, trends, values?
b) Consumer psychology, society?s expectations of business?
c) Concern with quality of life?
d) Expectations from the workplace?
e) Population and demographics?
f) Birth rates and life expectations?
g) Attitudes about career, family, women at work?

4) What technological forces affect the industry?
a) Effect of the Internet?
b) Scientific improvements, innovations, inventions?
c) Expenditures on research and development?
d) Rate of new product introductions?

C) Business functions of the company:

1) Talk about company?s marketing function.
a) What marketing efforts are underway? Provide examples of recent promotional or public relations campaigns.

2) Talk about company?s finance function.
a) Is the organization financially sound according to financial analysts?

3) Talk about company?s production function?
a) How does the company?s approach to production differ from that of its competitors?

4) Talk about company?s human resources function?
a) What human resource polices are in effect in the company? Is the organization able to meet future human resource needs?

D) Strategic Analysis:

1) What is the current firm level strategy?
a) Attempting to grow, maintain its present size, or downsize?
b) Which one of the Porter?s generic strategies is pursued? Cost leadership, cost focus, differentiation, focused differentiation
of course

i wasnt asking for the whole thing.. there are just a few things i can not find from the site ... im having trouble with these

1) What political/legal forces affect the industry?
a) Legislation, court judgments?
b) Environmental regulations and enforcement of antitrust regulations?
c) Trade regulations and tariffs?
d) Political stability?
2) What economic forces affect the industry?
a) Interest rates, inflation, exchange rates?
b) Energy costs? Material costs? Labor costs?
c) Stage of the economic cycle?
d) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

4) What technological forces affect the industry?
a) Effect of the Internet?
b) Scientific improvements, innovations, inventions?
c) Expenditures on research and development?
d) Rate of new product introductions?

1) Talk about company?s marketing function.
a) What marketing efforts are underway? Provide examples of recent promotional or public relations campaigns.
2) Talk about company?s finance function.
a) Is the organization financially sound according to financial analysts?
3) Talk about company?s production function?
a) How does the company?s approach to production differ from that of its competitors?
Can you try calling TomTom directly and asking someone in their PR department to point you to someone from the company who can answer those questions? We are all consumers, just like you, who would not know this info. Good luck.
You should be checking out investment research reports for this - I am sure there are analyst reports you can find that will cover much of what you are looking for. Many are reserved for customers and subscribers, but there should be plenty in the free domain.

Much of the information you listed however is proprietary and closely guarded by any company. Maybe a "Deep Throat" connection could get it for you at a hefty price.
I'll give you a hint on #4 because the innovation and community aspects are what made me buy a TomTom device:

The Internet has allowed TomTom's map corrections to scale with its user base. Many of their products contain a feature called MapShare which allows a user to make a correction to their maps and share it with all the other users.

Also, it appears you've already stumbled upon one of the other effects of the Internet on TomTom: Here at the tomtomforums.com TomTom's customers are able to share tips and tricks with each other, and allow TomTom to easily see what their customers are looking for in new product technologies by quietly monitoring the discussions.

Without the Internet to connect TomTom's customers with each other and with the company, TomTom would have to spend a lot more on product research and spend much more time updating maps to remain competitive. Competitors like Magellan Navigation haven't figured that out yet.

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