New Go 920 and Map Guarantee

I had a whole similar complaint about this program that I posted a few weeks ago on the 920 Tweaks board, and all I heard was everybody telling me what a whiner I was. See

I eventually gave up pointing out the facts. It's refreshing to come to this thread and see that some of us actually understand that we're getting [blank]ed here. (I began to wonder if the 'shut up and be happy for what you got' types were just shills for TT, but conspiracy theories are too hard to prove.)

Last I looked, Free Maps for 1 Year does not mean the same thing as "Free North America Maps for 1 Year," nor does it mean "Free Map (but only one) for 1 Year." And, just to be sure there wasn't any mistake, the certificate I've got says on the back "With the TomTom GO 920, you are entitled to download all the new map releases for one year at no charge." (emphasis added) Tell me what I don't understand in that simple sentence.

Maybe some marketing person needs to have their head served up on a platter at TT HQ for saying more than should have been said -- But, the people who should be paying the price for the mistake (if that's what it really was) shouldn't be the people who put their money down on the basis of this offer.

Live up to what you promised TT!
My TT920 came with a TT720 map guarantee card that says it is only good for 30 days... That 30 days is up and I didn't upgrade from 7.10 to 7.15. Am I SOL?

Does anyone have a copy of the card i should have gotten with 920 that they would be willing to send me a copy of? PM me if you can help...

mine also came with 720 card and can't download new 715 maps.
Don't really want the hassle with calling will probably just return and get a new one. The things we do for gadgets.
This was my situation...

I emailed tomtom... they had me scan my receipt and guarantee leaflet and send it back to them. I did. within 20 minutes the north american update showed up as a normal update. I downloaded and installed it.

They are not supposed to ask you when did you purchased the unit. The TomTom Latest Map Guarantee sais that ?In the event that a newer map is available within 30 days from when you start using your device, you are entitled to one free map download.? See here:
According that you could buy a TomTom tom and have it locked in the closed for a year and after that still have right to download the latest map. But somehow TomTom does not stand behind their own guarantees. I call TomTom about that because my GO920 did not want to download the newest map and they refused to give it to me. After I send them an email that I will complain to Better Business Bureau they finally put the download link to my account. They just suck. :mad:
My TT920 came with a TT720 map guarantee card that says it is only good for 30 days... That 30 days is up and I didn't upgrade from 7.10 to 7.15. Am I SOL?

Does anyone have a copy of the card i should have gotten with 920 that they would be willing to send me a copy of? PM me if you can help...


My _920_ also came with the 720 certificate - ridiculous!
Could someone clarify?

Which interpretation is correct regarding the 30 day map gaurantee?

1. You have 30 days to download a new map. After the 30 Days you are screwed.

2. If a new map is available within 30 days of activation, you can download THAT map at any time (i.e. after the 30 day window)

In my situation 7.15 came out within 30 days of my purchase. I just didn't get a chance to download it because TTHome always told me that I had the latest map...

Any ideas or opinions?
Could someone clarify?

Which interpretation is correct regarding the 30 day map gaurantee?

1. You have 30 days to download a new map. After the 30 Days you are screwed.

2. If a new map is available within 30 days of activation, you can download THAT map at any time (i.e. after the 30 day window)

In my situation 7.15 came out within 30 days of my purchase. I just didn't get a chance to download it because TTHome always told me that I had the latest map...

Any ideas or opinions?
Number one about covers it. Do you have the 710 currently?
I have the 7.10 map right now.

I looked at the TT Customer Support link that starlogic posted and it says the following:

TomTom provides you with the latest map pre-installed on your new device. In the event that a newer map is available within 30 days from when you start using your device, you are entitled to one free map download.

This sounds more like interpretation #2 to me...
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I have the 7.10 map right now.

I looked at the TT Customer Support link that starlogic posted at it says the following:

This sounds more like interpretation #2 to me...

Call customer service. You are indeed are entitled to the 7.15 map.
I have the 7.10 map right now.

I looked at the TT Customer Support link that starlogic posted at it says the following:

This sounds more like interpretation #2 to me...
Yeah, you're right. I was assuming that you had already activated and started using your unit. You could give it a shot with customer service, but I wouldn't waste too much time or energy on it, the 715 maps aren't too terribly different from what I've seen. The reason they offer this guarantee is so that if someone happened to buy a unit that had been sitting on a store shelf for a year or more. This is when you might notice a substantial difference in a maps accuracy.
I just got off the phone with TT customer support. After going through the process, I sent my receipt in and version 7.15 should be waiting for me on TTHome when I get home. I'll check this evening. They (TT Support) were very pleasant about it and I had no issues.

When I inquired about the European maps I was told that the Latest Map Guarantee did not apply because of some "licensing issues". Has anyone else heard of this?
I just got off the phone with TT customer support. After going through the process, I sent my receipt in and version 7.15 should be waiting for me on TTHome when I get home. I'll check this evening. They (TT Support) were very pleasant about it and I had no issues.

When I inquired about the European maps I was told that the Latest Map Guarantee did not apply because of some "licensing issues". Has anyone else heard of this?
If you read the thread from the start, it looks like others have gotten the latest version of both maps. :confused: Maybe these "licensing issues" are recent development, or you had a clueless CS rep.
I tried entering my 1 year update code today at the TomTom site, it said it was invalid. I phoned customer support to rectify the situation and the NA map was put into my account. This was the good news. The bad news is that I was told that the 1 year update is only good for ONE download in the 1 year period, yet the small print on the 1 year cert clearly says it is valid for ALL new map releaseS (plural). Anyone else come across this.

The battle is not over, I still need the European 7.15


I just spoke to TT Customer Service regarding getting 7.15 for my new 920and was told to fax in my receipt and Map Guarantee card (which happened to 720 card).

I was told that I would be entitled to ALL upgrades over the next 12 months on NA luck on Europe.

We'll have to see if they honor that down the road, but it seems that their position is coming around from the upgrade within 30 days or lose it position they had several months ago.

ALSO...on the fix for the 7.48 VR debacle, TT Customer Service has not been notified as to when the patch will be available. It was supposed to be out early this's Friday so I assume that they missed their date :eek: . The programmers are working out of Europe, so I imagine they are taking their own good time in getting this out...thanks goodness it's not August or we'd never get a patch out.
I just spoke to TT Customer Service regarding getting 7.15 for my new 920and was told to fax in my receipt and Map Guarantee card (which happened to 720 card).

I was told that I would be entitled to ALL upgrades over the next 12 months on NA luck on Europe.

We'll have to see if they honor that down the road, but it seems that their position is coming around from the upgrade within 30 days or lose it position they had several months ago.

ALSO...on the fix for the 7.48 VR debacle, TT Customer Service has not been notified as to when the patch will be available. It was supposed to be out early this's Friday so I assume that they missed their date :eek: . The programmers are working out of Europe, so I imagine they are taking their own good time in getting this out...thanks goodness it's not August or we'd never get a patch out.

I think the license issue is bunk. Or perhaps they do have a license issue but that is THEIR contract issue. But they also have US law and OUR contract issue. They sold a product with a certain guarantee and they are in violation of consumer laws. Now, that being said, it will not necessarily be easy to convince them of this issue. So they may need to work with their licensor to pay to allow US users to update but that is TT's problem.

As for the firmware fix, I fear that they are having trouble getting the firmware to distinguish between the 920 and 720 and trying to KILL voice recognition (VR) for the 720's while leaving it working on the 920. And, if they are beta testing, they may not have very many 720 users who are willing to test the end of VR on the 720!!!!!!
I got my 920 a week ago. Trying to get the latest map through Home's 'Latest Map Guarantee', I was told I had the latest maps (I have 710 maps). After getting no response to my email I finally phoned them yesterday.

They were very helpful and after asking me to send them my receipt and latest map guarantee card they set me up to receive the 715 North America map. They would not budge on the European map. The supervisor I talked to (Vicky) said that their web site clearly states that I am only entitled to the North America update. I disagreed.

I then told her that on the package it guarantees that I get the latest maps. I asked her if all customers are expected to check the web site rather than believe what's on the box. She responded that if I did not do my research ahead of time that was my fault and there was nothing she could do.

I then told her that there was something I could do, which will be to return the unit. I downloaded the North America map with no problems so the next owner of this unit will at least have that.

Now I have to wait for a couple of months to either get another 920 with the latest maps already installed or maybe a 930. I will stick with TomTom because I really like the GPS' but I sure wish they were a little more concerned with being fair to their customers.:(
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As a new Go 920T owner I was very glad to find this thread (as well as the entire forum). Using the latest map guarantee in TomTom HOME I was told that I had the latest maps. After reading and following what others had done here I was able to submit my proof of purchase and get my updated maps with no hassle at all.

We'll see how it goes after the next map release when I call them and tell them that I have a latest map guarantee certificate that covers me for one year (apparently I'm one of the lucky ones that actually got one of these).

I'm looking forward to learning how to get the most out of my TomTom.
I may just be confused,but when dealing with software version its important to be clear ,so shouldn't it be or and not 7.10 or 7.15 ???

here is a screen shot of my current map version,if I need to argue with support ,I wanna know exactly what version # everyone else has. :D
Just got this after emailing US support and including my Offer Code.
Thank you for responding. We are happy to help you resolve this issue with your latest map offer. We have added these maps directly to your account. They will be offered automatically as an update the next time you connect your device to TomTom HOME.
Now it looks like I need to get an SD card before I Update again. Note the "s" after map :D Thank you one and all ,you saved me $$$ and made my day.
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