How to add custom voices, POIs to iPhone without Jailbreaking - Discussion

I guess I threw out my money.

I have the Magellen Maestro 4250. I got for my daughter the TomTon 130 S and thought some of the features were cool so I figured I would move over to the TomTom. Being that I have iPod Touch and the iPad I figures I would get more bang for the buck by getting the iPhone App. I definitely need the ability to add custom POI as well as having the red light camera warnings. I bought the App and the iPod Touch car kit. Now it looks like it wont do what I want and may never - bummer!

I didn't open the car kit yet, maybe I can get my money back or sell it on eBay.
Just checked, since I bought the car kit and it is unopened I should be able to get a full refund from Amazon. Before i return it does anyone know for a fact that Custon POI and Custom POI alerts will not be supported on the iPhone platform?
I would love TomTom to add Custom POI support for the iPhone app but I very much doubt they will do so, only Sygic offer anything like true Custom POI support out of the iPhone navigation applications, even that requires a Jail Broken iPhone though - Mike
Mailed the Car kit back to Amazon. I tried to get an answer from TomTom support.


I understand that you would like to know if Custom POI and Custom POI alerts supported by iPhone application. We understand your concern, please be assured I will do my best to answer your question.

I would like to inform you that, there are several places where you can use POIs in the TomTom app:
? Selecting your destination when planning a route.
? Calling a POI from the Main menu.
? Selecting which POIs to show on the map.

However, we cannot create custom POI?s in iPhone application. We regret for the inconvenience caused.


Note I do not want to create a custom POI I want to load already created ones. Oh well. Maybe in the future.
I know I'm bringing this thread back from the dead but other than the OP, it seems no one has been able to duplicate.

First of all, this is a great writeup!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to do all the screen shots! I hope my addition will help some people to add custom voices to their TomTom iPhone app as I have. Let me also mention that I am not suggesting that you use any of the information provided to do anything illegal. It is NOT illegal to jailbreak an iPhone in US anymore. A simple Google search will confirm.

The OP procedure may have worked a year ago but I am certain that Apple is now verifying that ipa packages are not tampered with. There is however a way around this if you have a jailbroken phone. So first step is to jailbreak your phone. So long as you haven't upgraded to the new 4.0.2 firmware you can simply go to JailbreakMe. One swipe and it is done. Next you want to start Cydia (automatically installed when you jailbreak). It may take a little while the first time but make sure you let it fully update.

REBOOT phone! Hold power button and swipe to power off. Then turn it back on.

Now start Cydia again and go to manage. Then tap sources. Tap EDIT and then push ADD. Type in the source It will most likely give you a waring about unscrupulous source contents. Install anyway.

Now push SEARCH on the bottom right and look for appsync. Select the appropriate version for your firmware.

Now once appsync is installed you can modify the TomTom app by following the OP procedure. It works flawlessly!

Although I haven't tried it, I'm sure with the above iPhone modifications, you would be able to load POI's as well.

Hope this helps!
With TomTom for iPhone version 1.5 and iOS 4.x you can install your own POI, voices and even set the POI sound alerts (copy mapsettings.cfg from your TomTom GPS device) without JB. POI icons don't work in TomTom 1.5.

My iPhone is not jailbroken, I have purchased the app from the App Store!!!






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Just an idea from looking closer at your screen shots try the POI bmp file re-sized to 16x16 rather than the usual 22x22 which you appear to have used.

To stay within the white border around the POI marker on the map is 16x16 and the larger warning icon top left is 48x48 which is the same as 16x16 multiplied by 3 (The software should do the multiplication negating the need for the x2 or x3 bmp file) .

Nice find with the MapSettings.cfg as thats what some of us were doing with the Start/ Ease devices when TomTom knocked out the custom menu work around for a while - Mike
Have you tried re-naming the file type for the icon? for example where you have the icon named

"CZ-Radary usekove.bmp"

Try naming it

"CZ-Radary usekove.png"

Do this for all the bmp files associated with your custom POI files ;) - Mike
Have a watch of This short video clip to show what can be done running v1,5 WITHOUT Jail Breaking the iPhone - Mike
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For the warnings that flash up top left make the icons 44x44 and rename them from bmp to png and they work as well, at the end of the POI name you need to add "_X2" If you watch the video in the link IO posted earlier you will notice the icon on the map is different to the one displayed top left.

The icons still don't show correctly in the POI menus but thats something I can live with for the time being and apparantly the icons appear a little small on the iPhone 4 due to the increase in screen resolution.

No idea why this works, like you say its a little crazy - Mike
Adding custom voices to a NON JB Iphone 3GS

For the warnings that flash up top left make the icons 44x44 and rename them from bmp to png and they work as well, at the end of the POI name you need to add "_X2" If you watch the video in the link IO posted earlier you will notice the icon on the map is different to the one displayed top left.

The icons still don't show correctly in the POI menus but thats something I can live with for the time being and apparantly the icons appear a little small on the iPhone 4 due to the increase in screen resolution.

No idea why this works, like you say its a little crazy - Mike
Not sure if this was answered previously but does this work for just adding custom voices to a Iphone not JB?.

Sorry if this was asked before
Yes you can add custom voice files to the TomTom app using the DiskAid software without needing the iPhone Jail Broken.

Just a minor point though you need to rename the dataXX.chk ( where XX is a number) file so it matches (then replaces) one of the original voice files already on the iPhone app in the voices folder.

Try re-naming your custom dataXX.chk to data39.chk once this file is on the iPhone start the app and go to where you select voices, scroll through the available ones until you locate "Ozgur" Turkish - I doubt you will be needing a Turkish voice, hit test and your custom voice will sound, simply select it.

You can't just add custom voices files and the app doesn't pick up the bmp file so don't bother installing the bmp, the .vif is also optional and not really needed.

Its a bit of a "cludge" to get working but it does work as I have Liz Whittaker (A UK Radio presenter) on my iPhone app and that works a treat - Mike
Yes you can add custom voice files to the TomTom app using the DiskAid software without needing the iPhone Jail Broken.

Just a minor point though you need to rename the dataXX.chk ( where XX is a number) file so it matches (then replaces) one of the original voice files already on the iPhone app in the voices folder.

Try re-naming your custom dataXX.chk to data39.chk once this file is on the iPhone start the app and go to where you select voices, scroll through the available ones until you locate "Ozgur" Turkish - I doubt you will be needing a Turkish voice, hit test and your custom voice will sound, simply select it.

You can't just add custom voices files and the app doesn't pick up the bmp file so don't bother installing the bmp, the .vif is also optional and not really needed.

Its a bit of a "cludge" to get working but it does work as I have Liz Whittaker (A UK Radio presenter) on my iPhone app and that works a treat - Mike

Thanks Mike. I'll give it a try when I get home and provide feedback. Thanks again
With TomTom for iPhone version 1.5 and iOS 4.x you can install your own POI, voices and even set the POI sound alerts (copy mapsettings.cfg from your TomTom GPS device) without JB. POI icons don't work in TomTom 1.5.

My iPhone is not jailbroken, I have purchased the app from the App Store!!!







just installed poi's to my iphone 4, tomtom version 1.5, folowing the above instructions with no problems, thanks!!
I've just used the "Disk Aid" method to put some custom POI's into my iPhone and it all went very smoothly :). apart from the icons, for some reason they are just the tomtom hands on the menu and a flag thing on the map. but I can live with that.
I'd just like to say thanks to you knowledgeable people for the info and a great site.

my phones an iPhone 4 (Un Jail broken) running iOS 4.2.1 and TomTom 1.5 Western Europe
Banditwelve, did you rename the icon file type from .bmp to .png as thats all thats required to get the POI icons to display on the map correctly, getting the warnings working is a little more involved but you should be able to get the icons on the navigation screen. Once this is acheived you can move forwards to setting the warnings up if you wish?

Note running 1,5 there is an issue where icons don't display correctly in the menu screens, this is a bug but consider it normal for the time being, hopefully an update might resolve this at some future point - Mike
Banditwelve, Note running 1,5 there is an issue where icons don't display correctly in the menu screens, this is a bug but consider it normal for the time being, hopefully an update might resolve this at some future point - Mike

I've just upgraded to V1.6 and reinstalled my POI's and they now show the Icon in the menus :D
Thanks for the help
If you are using the warnings for POI files then you will need a mapsettings.cfg file from a PND running v860 mapping as the old mapsettings.cfg file that worked with v1,5 doesn't work with v1,6 - Mike

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