Adding a POI to a custom category

Nov 18, 2008
Just got my new thing i cant figure out is how to add a poi (mobil gas station) to a category called (Mobil Stations) , not the stock (Gas Stations). I download a poi called (Mobil) with an Mobil Icon, and what id like to do is have to POI pop up with a Mobil icon on the screen, but when i go to add the POI to the category , only the stock categorys are there and not the ones i a nutshell i want the mobil poi icon to show on screen, not the gas station one. any ideas?

Move the mobil.ov2 to the specific map folder using Explorer. Also move the associated .bmp to the specific map folder. Ensure you name the .bmp EXACTLY the same as the .ov2.

For example, if it's Mobil.ov2, then it MUST be Mobil.bmp, not mobil.bmp or MOBIL.bmp, etc.

Finally, once you've moved them, Preferences-->Show poi on map, and make sure mobil is checked.

That's it!!
I downloaded some POI's through TOMTOM Home.....they installed fine,and they show up in tt, these all have their own category, Burger King, Mobil ect......when i add a POI, none of these categorys show up..for some reason i cant add any POI's to anything but the default categories.
I downloaded some POI's through TOMTOM Home.....they installed fine,and they show up in tt, these all have their own category, Burger King, Mobil ect......when i add a POI, none of these categorys show up..for some reason i cant add any POI's to anything but the default categories.
Arno said:
I previously mentioned that in Tyre one could open a personal POI category, mark all and copy (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C) open a TomTom POI, go to the end and paste (Ctrl+V) and save the POI.

That should do it. You can save the personal category without any POI in it and just keep it for merging incidents.
I downloaded some POI's through TOMTOM Home.....they installed fine,and they show up in tt, these all have their own category, Burger King, Mobil ect......when i add a POI, none of these categorys show up..for some reason i cant add any POI's to anything but the default categories.

AFAIK, you cannot add new POI into those POI Category, at least I don't know how :)
What I would do is:
+ add a POI Category FIRST then
+ add new created POI into that POI Category
AFAIK, you cannot add new POI into those POI Category, at least I don't know how :)
What I would do is:
+ add a POI Category FIRST then
+ add new created POI into that POI Category

Here is a way to merge built in poi's with custom ones. Go here.

Also, to make a change or to add a poi to the built in poi's:
Main menu of the unit-->second page-->Map corrections-->Correct a map error-->arrow right-->you'll see both an 'Add' and an 'Edit' poi icon. Select Add and you'll see all the categories listed. Scroll to the one you want and add the new poi to that category.

If you select 'edit', you then select 'near you' or 'in city' or 'near home'. Say you select 'near you', you'll see a 'search' icon (more later) or specific categories you've used recently. There is also a right arrow to get you to the screen where all categories are listed. Scroll to the one you want and carry on.

The 'search' icon ---say you want to correct a specific poi but you don't know the category. You know 'arena' is part of the name. Type it in and ALL pois in ALL categories with 'arena' as part of the name will get listed. Select the one you want and carry on.
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