How to add custom voices, POIs to iPhone without Jailbreaking - Discussion

Pedro, using your method for adding custom poi's still will not allow audible poi alerts, correct? For instance to use with speed or red light camera files?
Tried this method, but get error when reinstalling...

First may I thank you for this tutorial...

Unfortunately I have followed this several times, and cannot seem to get the app to install once I have added the OV2 and BMP files to the installer...

When sync my phone when I have updated the application file I get an error saying...

The application "UK - Ireland" was not installed on the iPhone "Paul's iPhone" because an unknown error occurred (0xE8008017)

First I tried this by adding all of my custom POI's, which resulted in this error. Then I tried again with only one of my OV2 and BMP files. I had the same error both times. If I replace the installer with the original file (which I backed up first) the app installs and works as normal.

I used the built in "windows explorer zip file handler" from the RTM version of windows 7.

Do you know where I am going wrong??? I have double checked that I have followed your instructions correctly...


Hello Paul, Not sure about the error. I don't want to say it is a Windows 7 problem. Can you try it on another operating system, like XP or Vista?

I would like to get feedback from other people who have tried this. I have a JB iPhone and it worked as you can tell. I don't know if this worked only because I had a JB iPhone or what.

I hope other members can let me know to see if this worked for them.
I will try and test this over the next few days using vista.

As you said, I suspect that this is due to the fact that my phone is not jailbroken.

Has anyone had any success using this method to add POI's to non jailbroken phones?

I guess that there is some kind of integrety check to make sure that the installation file is not tampered with in any way. If the phone is jailbroken I would expect that this integrety check is bypassed.

I will let you know if I have any success using vista.


This is the same techique I tried to get Sygic to accept custom POI files some time back, when you re-install the application it downloaded a fresh set of files if it detected any messing around with the content - possibly some sort of checksum in use to prevent the installation being hacked. I think similar is being performed here with the iTunes app throwing an error code rather than forcing a fresh download.

I never tried this again using Sygic instead, in frustration I jailbroke the phone which made adding files to the device easy, Sygic is the only iPhone application that offers anything like true fully working support for Custom POI files.
It really is a shame that Apple haven't got a decent way to add files to the device in to specific folders, without an easy way to get files on to the device its not much use having custom POI support within the applications, that said I certainly don't want Sygic to remove the features from their excellent application - Mike
I got the same error using Vista and Western Europe maps:confused:

I got the same Error Message too. Does anyone solve the Problem? The Message said, that the original file was modified, so thats ture, because I add some Radars.....

possibly some sort of checksum in use to prevent the installation being hacked. I think similar is being performed here with the iTunes app throwing an error code rather than forcing a fresh download.

That's exactly what I think it is. I didn't get an error when I tried it. The App worked, but sans POIs.
In the top level of the payload folder you may notice a folder called _CodeSignature, I think that's the one that verifies the integrity of the package.
Changing voices worked, it's confirmed. Thank you for the good walkthrough!

Is it possible to exchange the maps to a newer version? I have Europe 2GB 835 2421 from my Windows phone and in 1.1 for iPhone, it's version 830 only. I see a very big difference in quality of maps, many destinations (streets and number) cannot be found in iPhone's 830...

Thanks in advance
When a new map is released for the iPhone application I would expect it to cost as maps for all other TT products cost you cash for an updated map, we will have to see how TomTom handle upgrades though as we have never had anything other than the v830 maps for iPhone - Mike
Thanks Pedro for the How to. Unfortunately I'm getting the same result when I try to install custom POI:s on TomTom Western Europe with iTunes It tells me that it can not be installed since it has been changed.

I also tried to install a changed OV2-file by replacing an existing OV2-file. The replacement file was given an identical name as the file it replaced, but I got the same errormessage.

I guess You have to JB to be able to add custom POI:s. I find this sad, because I really have no urge to JB especially since it's a phone I use for work.

Surely it would be easy for TomTom to add the possibility of adding custom POI:s?


I was unable to replace any voices, I was trying to install the Homer Simpson voice.

However upon syncing the app back to the phone I received an error similar to "Unable to install this app as the content has been modified."

I can't remember the exact text of the error message.

This was with using iTunes :(
chk.dct files?

Thanks for a brilliant guide, worked perfekt.

But i've got at problem i hope someone can help with.
I've got the original Homer simpsons voice, The files it contains is (*.chk - *.bmp - *.vif AND *.chk.dct - *.tlv)
What to do with the last two files? All have the same filename, and i've tried with just the *.chk and *.vif, as the above example?
I'm quite new to this, so i hope it's possible to use it, or get the homer voice (original and not crappy) somwhere else.

Did you purchase the Homer voice for a different device? if so it will be locked to the device it was purchased for, the newer voices are activated against a device hence the .dct file this won't work on the iPhone and I very much doubt TomTom will offer any assistance to get it working as putting extra voices on the iPhone application isn't a supported feature - Mike
Been trying to follow these instructions - but on a Mac. Is there a relevant post, please?

The problems start when you double-click the .zip file and it unarchives, then things seem OK, but removing the .zip never regains an iTunes file - and the whole thing fails!

Any comments would be appreciated - thanks.
Any idea if and when TomTom will allow one t add custom POI, like red light cameras with its alerting ability as well the ability to modify maps, like blocking of streets and changing of street speed limits, without jailbreaking the device? It doesn't sound too hard to do programatically. Simply look for the OV2 files in some publically accessable area where one can place the necessary files.
Custom POI support is the main functionality missing from the TomTom iPhone App and as they appear to be dropping full custom POI support from newer models I very much doubt you will see it getting added to the iPhone app soon. As for Map Share I am not too sure that would be worth bothering with, the iPhone app is just about maxing out the processor in its current 1,41 release, anything else and something will start to slow down!

If custom POI support is something you really need consider Sygic as that works very well assuming you have a Jail Broken iPhone to facilitate the installation of the POI files and associated warning voices. Note, whilst it is possible to add custom POI's to the TomTom app if running Jail Broken the TT app doesn't have the required "Warn when near POI" Sygic on the other hand can do this function with ease - Mike

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