Having trouble understanding Tripmaster

Apr 6, 2007
Near Philadelphia, PA
TomTom Model(s)
One v3
Sorry for asking such a basic question, but I can't seem to understand how Tripmaster tracks a trip or stores waypoints. When Tripmaster is tracking and I press the compass, it says "waypoint saved", but I cannot find the waypoints. Where are they kept? Also, when it is tracking, exactly what is it doing?

I think the problem is I'm having trouble understanding the instructions from the Tripmaster site. Are there other more basic instructions available?

:confused: :confused: Confused but still happy with my One... :D :D
Sorry for asking such a basic question, but I can't seem to understand how Tripmaster tracks a trip or stores waypoints. When Tripmaster is tracking and I press the compass, it says "waypoint saved", but I cannot find the waypoints. Where are they kept? Also, when it is tracking, exactly what is it doing?

The waypoints are stored in the same file than the tracking logs. When tracking, Tripmaster records periodically or on some events (course change, distance or manual action) your geographical position.

Depending on the format you've chosen, the logs may contain different informations, like altitude, time, name of the location, speed, mileage...

Everything is explained in my website.
Thank you roussillat, it's a fine program. I appreciate the work you've done and the fact that you made it available for free! Very cool indeed! :cool:

I played whith my One a lot this week, and I figured out that when tracking it actually saves the route as an itinerary. But as a new user, I did not understand what this meant. I think I've got it now!

Thanks again!
Does the time in the upper right corner always indicate zulu or can it be adjusted for local?
The time can be adjusted. Go into prefs, click the Setup tab and change the GMT offset. The offset will vary +/- 1 depending on daylight or standard time. For US Eastern, it's -5 for standard; -4 for daylight. US Central is -6 for standard; -5 for daylight.

How's that for a first post?
The time can be adjusted. Go into prefs, click the Setup tab and change the GMT offset. The offset will vary +/- 1 depending on daylight or standard time. For US Eastern, it's -5 for standard; -4 for daylight. US Central is -6 for standard; -5 for daylight.

How's that for a first post?

I like it :)

Here are yours plus more common ones for USA/Canada

Eastern Standard Time (EST) = GMT-5
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) = GMT-4
Central Standard Time (CST) = GMT-6
Central Daylight Time (CDT) = GMT-5
Mountain Standard Time (MST) = GMT-7
Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) = GMT-6
Pacific Standard Time (PST) = GMT-8
Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) = GMT-7

Daylight refers to Daylight savings time being observed meaning we set the time an hour back. Happens during the summer months.
Standard refers to reverting back, advancing the clock forward an hour, after the summer months.
I have a question about tripmaster also. The program keeps recording waypoints I assume. They are marked by question marks that keep appearing on the tt display. How do I stop tripmaster from doing that? I have to open manage pois and delete files marked tmp......... . Gets annoying but I am sure that it can be stopped.
I have a question about tripmaster also. The program keeps recording waypoints I assume. They are marked by question marks that keep appearing on the tt display. How do I stop tripmaster from doing that? I have to open manage pois and delete files marked tmp......... . Gets annoying but I am sure that it can be stopped.

I'm not sure if I quite understand?! Tripmaster records logfiles if you ask it do do so. You can start a new log manually each time you start Tripmaster or specify that a new logfile will automatically start when you start Tripmaster.
Then when you want to staop logging you click in the upper left corner of the Tripmaster screen.
But what do you mean by "They are marked by question marks that keep appearing on the tt display". And those tmp-files, where do you find them? Are you sure that this is coming from Tripmaster? I have been using Tripmaster for over one year and I have never seen that!
I have a question about tripmaster also. The program keeps recording waypoints I assume. They are marked by question marks that keep appearing on the tt display. How do I stop tripmaster from doing that? I have to open manage pois and delete files marked tmp......... . Gets annoying but I am sure that it can be stopped.

Tripmaster is doing so because you've chosen to record tracks as POI.

Jus change it, in setup, to KML, GPX, ITN or CSV format and Tripmaster won't add POI anymore. To remove the existing POI, you may :
- deselect display for this Tripmaster's POI category
- and/or remove all the POI in this category.
Thanks Roussillat. It always great to have the designer help with problems. I will make those changes.
GMT adjustment and logfiles

Thank you roussillat - this program makes a TomTom a real GPS. I have a question as a new user - when a GMT adjustment is entered (+10 Hours for Australia) is it meant to then correct the automatic day/night colour setting or are they locked to GMT only. I get the night colours during my day time and it seems that the naming convention of the logging files takes the same times as GMT and not the corrected time.

Can anyone explain further?
Tripmaster is doing so because you've chosen to record tracks as POI.

Jus change it, in setup, to KML, GPX, ITN or CSV format and Tripmaster won't add POI anymore. To remove the existing POI, you may :
- deselect display for this Tripmaster's POI category
- and/or remove all the POI in this category.

When I try to change the file TT does not allow me to do so. The touch screen works but the file type remains the same. Suggestions?

Tried opening the set up file using my computer. Changed POI to CSV and saved back to TT. That changed the format on the tt to csv.
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When I try to change the file TT does not allow me to do so. The touch screen works but the file type remains the same. Suggestions?.
It does not let you change the log format if logging is active. Can that be your problem? You first have to stop logging (pressing the upper left corner), then you should be able to change the format!
Hi roussillat,

I am sure you are always asked this, but do you have any intention to write tripmaster for tomtom pda version?

I've just seen tripmaster for the first time on tomtom one and I love it.
I have installed tripmaster 3.1 on a tomtom go 920.

Tripmaster icon allows me to start the program ok.

My settings are logs format itn , file append , autologging yes, records long.

I start tripmaster , start log by touching top left hand of screen , rhs of screen flashes log activated ( tm20141026(3) figure in brackets increases with time.

I came back after a 20 mile journey and unable to find my log file.

Any ideas?
To activate the tracking logs, just click on the zone where the GPS coordinates and altitude are displayed (upper left corner, symbol 0_0). When the recording is active, this is announced by the appearance of the tracking logs file name and by a Save button. in the compass zone. When Tripmaster has not acquired a GPS signal yet, the button with the symbol 0_0 does not appear, which means that the activation of tracks logging is not possible.

To stop Tripmaster, click on the cross in the upper right corner of the screen. When Tripmaster is stopped, all current parameters are stored & the tracking log file name is stored. I don't have the program up and running at present, but believe I remember correctly that the log will be stored in your .itn folder.

Hope this info helps - good luck!

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