Go720 intermittent starting problems

I opened TT Home and it advised that it needed to install a critical update. I allowed it to download and install the update before I switched on the 720. It did not power up so I started resetting and it eventually turned on for a moment before switching off again.

I don't think it's the battery as it worked for over four hours after it switched on following the battery change. It must be something with the 'mother' board. I am now at the stage of giving up and buying a new one or waiting for my new smartphone and getting maps for it. Perhaps I could sell my 720 on eBay. It is in good condition and could be used for parts.

I must thank all who responded to my post and helped me get my sat nav working again. I was truly amazed when the battery change worked. The fact that it has not continued to work is no reflection on your expertise. I am so delighted to find people who are prepared to go the extra mile to help someone else, without any payment. I now know where to come if I have another Tom Tom problem. Cheerio for now.
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Sadly, my guess is that your old battery may have still had a tiny bit of life in it, and
What you are experiencing now is that you've used up all of the charge on the battery that you bought and installed, and your unit is no longer capable of charging a battery.
Just for grins .. no harm now .. open it up and see if there is a cooked component down near the USB connector. It will have been just a little rectangular bit of plastic, larger than many of the others, and will show definite signs of being smoked. If so, there are folks who will buy units in that condition and fix them up since they already know what's needed.
'Grins', you must mean 'for a laugh'. I may need one befor the Christmas period ends so I shall keep the screwdriver and knife handy. I have already started looking for a new sat nav and may sell my 720 on eBay for spares or parts. I have only ever bought from eBay so I don't know if the money will be worth the hassle involved.

I have narrowed my choice to two units:

  • TomTom GO Live 825HDT Full Europe £140
  • TomTom Via 135 M Special Edition Sat Nav - UK, ROI & Western Europe £130

Will I be able to route the low volume audio of the above TT's through my car stereo so I have decent volume at high speed on motorways or if I have chattering passengers. And, which device would you buy after moving on from the Go720.
Ah, and there's the bad news. For WHATEVER reason, TomTom has dropped the 1/8" aux out connection and RF modulator on everything they're making these days. I ran into exactly the same situation when I retired my own GO720. It was for that reason and the addition of "Live" services and lifetime maps that I picked up a GO740TM Live, though in the U.S., TomTom refused to sell the "Active Dock" that provided the 1/8" audio out connection! Andy (UK) fixed me up with one of those. So AFAIK, not since the x40 units (not including the Rider motorcycle units) has there been a TomTom built that had ANY way of getting the audio out of the unit and to a vehicle audio system. My GO740 is hooked to an Audiovox inline FM modulator that provides me with excellent audio in high ambient noise environments.

So .. unless you want to tap the speaker connection itself and provide your own wire and connector, the answer is nada, zilch, nothing. Annoying to see features keep disappearing. If you're OK with eBay, and can get the owner to come across with the login data (important!) for a used GO740 Live or GO940 Live unit with an Active Dock, that might be an alternative, though I cannot recall whether these were being sold as TM (lifetime map) units in Europe as they were here in North America. If they were, this might be a way to improve your situation without losing your audio.
I have never been hard of hearing but I find the volume level most unsatisfactory and have done since I first bought a Tom Tom. Why on earth has this not been addressed by Tom Tom. I kinda understand why the battery time has not been addressed. I am probably the 1 in 10,000 who wishes to use the unit outside the car. But why did they reduce the battery life from 5 hours to 2 hours, and why is this supposed to be advancement!.

I checked out eBay this afternoon, asked a few questions of a few sellers and I think many are very vague as they don't seem to know much about their devices. I asked about battery life and none were able to tell me as they always leave it plugged in. I don't hold out much hope of getting passwords from many.

If I settle for a more modern unit. would you recommend or suggest pros and cons of any of the two devices mentioned above. I don't know if any other manufacturer has comparable units but I have always loved the route finding on Tom Tom and I suppose that is the whole point of the device. I had a Mio before my 720 and although the POI were amazing, the mapping was awful compared to Tom Tom. So I think TT is stuck with me.
  • TomTom GO Live 825HDT Full Europe £140
  • TomTom Via 135 M Special Edition Sat Nav - UK, ROI & Western Europe £130
Several very important differences between these two units, but let's focus first on these:

The 825HDT offers "LIve" services (and at present, a year's subscription to Live). The Via 135 does not.
The Via 135M includes lifetime maps. The 825 does not (normally) include lifetime maps at the price you show. There is an 825M version for more money (typically around £20 than the straight 825, but £40 more than the price of the discounted 135M at Halford's at the moment) that provides the lifetime subscription.

I'm not sure what a "Special Edition" version of the Via 135M is as is being sold at Halford's. The only distinction among 135s of which I'm aware is UK+ROI vs. UK+ROI+Europe, and the one you quote above is the latter.
I don't hold out much hope of getting passwords from many.
That is the criterion to continue a life time map subscription.

It is quite understandable that the seller may not want to give out password and eMail address used to initially start up the service.
There is no reason that a user cannot go in their profile at TomTom and change either as any fake eMail address can be used.
If the seller changes both to something else and provides it to the buyer, s/he in turn can sign in with those and change it to something suitable.
Isn't there some sort of "only change it once every 6 months" rule in place that would prevent a buyer from making another change right away? Something in the back of my brain is itching...
  • TomTom GO Live 825HDT Full Europe £140
  • TomTom Via 135 M Special Edition Sat Nav - UK, ROI & Western Europe £130
Several very important differences between these two units, but let's focus first on these:

The 825HDT offers "LIve" services (and at present, a year's subscription to Live). The Via 135 does not.
The Via 135M includes lifetime maps. The 825 does not (normally) include lifetime maps at the price you show. There is an 825M version for more money (typically around £20 than the straight 825, but £40 more than the price of the discounted 135M at Halford's at the moment) that provides the lifetime subscription.

I'm not sure what a "Special Edition" version of the Via 135M is as is being sold at Halford's. The only distinction among 135s of which I'm aware is UK+ROI vs. UK+ROI+Europe, and the one you quote above is the latter.

We have a price matching offer in many of our retailers and they seem to collude with manufacturers for special edition models of a product. If the product is exclusive to retailer A, then nobody can price match it as they can't match the exact product. That may account for special editions.

I understand the difference between the two units - on the surface, BUT what live services will I get under subscription. The only time I worry about traffic is when I have a flight to catch. Is it traffic congestion and rerouting only or is there more services. I had speed camera alerts on my 720 without paying a subscription. I'm pretty sure there are changes since I bought my 720 but most websites just give the headlines.
Services include Live Traffic (which is one of the very valuable inputs to the device's tools for rerouting you when things are going badly out there), over-the-air safety cam updates, fuel prices, a search engine for business addresses, yelp!, TripAdvisor, Expedia, Weather, and Twitter. You may find that UK cameras are (and were) better served from a 3rd party service, though. I see a lot of folks referencing http://www.pocketgpsworld.com/ as a preferred source.
Canderson, you are so knowledgeable it's frightening. Are you sure you are not on the TT payroll. If not, you must be an engineer.

I was out shopping this afternoon and had demos of several Tom Tom units in Halfords and the top volume level was abysmal on all the devices except the Go 500. That had a volume level that even I could hear with chattering passengers, noisy motorway and radio. It was a joy to hear but it did not come with European maps. It was £130 but they did not have the EU version but I see on their website that the EU map version is available for £170. I think I might settle for that and order online to be delivered to my local store. I can then check the volume level against the demo model. The salesman was amazed at the difference in volume, as was I. I now have and adjust to paying so much over my budget But a decent volume level must be worth it.

So Tom Tom, if you can have a decent volume level on this device why not on all your devices. Also address the short battery life. All of this much be so much easier with your larger devices. You may also wish to think about integrating a dash camera in the back of the device.
Ah, you've had a chance to sample the latest wares from TomTom. I've also heard the 600, and the sound is pretty impressive. Both the 500 and 600 (and 5000 and 6000 with Live built-in) are offered with full European maps. Surprised Halford's isn't yet offering those versions. We are still waiting for the introduction of those units here in the U.S. The 500/600 depend upon your cell phone to provide the link for Live traffic. The 5000 and 6000 have the cell modem and SIM internal to the unit. There's an explanation for the improved sound buried in the speaker that is used and the case design. They've definitely made an improvement there.

However, please note that the 500/600/5000/6000 are a bit thin on features just yet. For example, these devices do not yet support custom POI addition, and we do not yet know if they ever will. When TomTom announced Nav3 without this feature, it was with the promise (late, but eventually fulfilled) that this feature would be added later. They have made no such promises for these Nav4 units. So before you buy one of these latest generation units, be certain that your use model matches up well enough. We just don't know what features will be added later and which of the many missing ones we'll wind up having to live without.
Canderson, this comes with lifetime maps and lifetime traffic updates. So all I need is the good volume and I will have everything that is possible at present. I'm starting to get excited again!

TomTom Go 500 Sat Nav Special Edition - UK, ROI & Europe
Easily see your routes on the TomTom Go 500 EU Special Edition Sat Nav with a 5" widescreen featuring interactive maps that you can control with your fingertips. You can ensure that your routes are efficient with Lifetime TomTom Map and Traffic (via a smartphone data connection) updates.

TomTom Go 500 Sat Nav Special Edition - UK, ROI & Europe Features and Benefits
  • Lifetime Maps with Free Daily Map Changes from the TomTom Map Share community
  • Tap & Go, for quick and easy navigation
  • Interactive map with pinch zoom so you can explore the map with your fingertips
  • Lifetime TomTom Traffic updates when connected to a smartphone with data connection with world-class traffic information which pinpoints the exact location of delays
  • 3D Maps help you to identify exactly where you are - from a helicopter view
  • Route Bar shows your essential route information at a glance
  • Quick Search helps you to find your destination faster
  • My Places lets you see your favourite locations on the map
  • 3 months TomTom Speed Cameras
  • IQ routes with Advanced lane guidance
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Canderson, I just saw your latest post and warning about lack of features. I'm prepared to 'put up' with good routing, speed camera warnings and a terrific volume and miss out on POI and whatever other bells and whistles are on other Tom Toms. The Go 720 POI were just awful so I shall not be missing much.

Funny you should mention the Go 600. The volume on that was the same as the other low volume units. I am almost at the point of ordering the Go500 and will wait to see if you have any other advise before I commit.

According to the TT website I may be entitled to up to £30 cash back. The price now seems to be £179.99. So if I get £30 back it will be great.

PS. it seems that I will have only 3 months (miserly) free speed camera data and have to pay £25 /yr for updates. I am a speeder given a clear decent road and we are having average speed cameras fitted here in thee UK in test locations. So no more slowing until we are past the camera as we all do now. I suppose I can use out of date info and hope for the best!!
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I don't know if this had been mentioned but it is in post #53.

Lifetime TomTom Traffic updates when connected to a smartphone with data connection with world-class traffic information which pinpoints the exact location of delays
I don't know if this had been mentioned but it is in post #53.

Thanks, I was aware of that and it is a good selling point but not a necessity for me as I do not drive to many tight schedules any more. I use trains for my few city appointments as parking is a problem. I'm more concerned about speed camera data being charged at £25/yr.
I actually raised it as a negative item for persons not carrying a smart phone or those that will have to add a Data plan.
I have reached my destination. Thank you all and in particular Canderson for helping me on my way. I have just reserved the Go500 European maps from Halfords at £169.99 and will be eligible for £30 rebate/discount from Tom Tom when I input my receipt details. This offer ends on 24 Dec 2013. So I'm buying the device for close to my budget, £10 over. I would still rather have the Go720 with the volume level of the Go500 but that is not possible, At initial glance the new route display is not as clear as th old one but things are always changing and I will just have to get used to it. The new screen maps look very like some of the Gaarmin displays. Ironic really as the TT display was considered the clearest.
Can't say why the difference between 500 and 600, except to say that the 600 I've listened to is quite the unit. I wonder if it was just a volume adjustment on that one?

Yes, there will be an adjustment period for the display. As I noted to someone the other day, it looks like some bully came along and stole all of their pretty colored crayons out of their box. I don't mind the way the menus are put together so much as I have difficulty picking up much information from the driving screen at a glance. It's a huge departure from the look and information provided on the previous units dating back years and years. I do like what they call their 'map centric' design. I wish I could have that concept available on my older units with their clearer displays. The hybrid would suit me very well!

I rechecked the Go600 or what I thought was the Go600 and it was the 5000 or 6000, a much more expensive model and I can't remember if we checked the volume on it. Probably not, because of the price.

I have just collected the Go500 and will play with the settings over the next few days before I decide if its a keeper. My first trip out is on Sunday but I'm sure the routing will be just fine. I thought the old display was terrific and clear, especially in the larger units. This display looks more like the Garmin display. The 'crayon' look was very clear and I thought was loved by all users and reviewers alike. Halfords salesman was extolling the virtues of 3D but I told him it looked more like a view from a helicopter than from a car and I did not really see the point of it. I think Tom Tom need to listen to it's users otherwise they may well go the same route as Nokia, as another poster mentioned in his farewell letter to his Tom Tom.

What does the map centric design mean?
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