510 took a dump, please help...

Ok .... can we pick an OS you are going to troubleshoot this with and stick with it? After we get it fixed we can swap OS.

Which do you want to try? XP or Vista?
Does it say "connect you TomTom device" or "no updates available"?

If it says the latter, it means that it is reading your TomTom device for updates.

If the error reads "nua" then you can go to install to TomTom on the left side and see if you downloaded software with your HOME download.

Also, did the TomTom work before the red X? Like you could navigate on a map and such? When you turned it on for the first time I mean. It was working previously.....

Because if it was out of the box like that I'm wondering if it is a blank SD. Wondering if there are even maps on the device......

And stick with the XP, that was my fault for throwing out the Vista earlier. Sorry bout that.
We are sticking with XP because I'm pretty fluent with it. Sorry about the confusion.

When I click on 'Download your updates' It first says, 'Connect your TomTom device', I click 'cancel', then it briefly says 'Please wait'..., then 'No Updates Available.'
On the left hand side of the screen of HOME, when you scroll just a little, does it say My GO 510 and can you click on it?

This is how we usually check to see if a connection is made. It will change on the center of the screen to the emulator for the TomTom device. If there is no connection then it will say connect your device. But as I'm looking at HOME right now, if I click on anything on the left side without a device attached pretty much, then it says connect your device.

Also, what does the screen on your 510 look like when connected? I'm willing to bet that there's not a computer connection being established somehow. Can you check also under the device manager under My Computer to see if it's there?

And make sure you have the power supply attached as well.....
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Yeah, I get the big black screen that says "Please connect your TomTom device using a USB cable, and turn it on"
Is there a large red arrow pointing to the power button on the HOME screen? Click that arrow where it is pointing if it is....

It's a stupid little thing TomTom has on there.....
No, I wish it were that simple!!! lol

I really think I half-installed some corrupted files on my SD card, and that I need to reinstall the app. I just don't know how to do that.
Hmmm. When I upgraded to a 2g card, my card was completely empty. No app, no maps, nothing. I put the card into my ONE, connected to HOME, and was able to install. I had the maps dvd with the app on it though. I'm wondering if you highlight the app in HOME in the center section - it's not really highlighting it, it's clicking in the box next to it - and then click on INSTALL on the top right, if it will search for and recognize? I'm sure you've tried going to device->change device with no luck?
Good Lord, wouldn't be nice though? Ok, so there seems to be a computer connection lost somewhere. This is what I would do as it looks like there is an issue with the computer connection and you've now downloaded the latest HOME app. from the website.

If TomTom HOME is not recognizing your GO 510, I would try this:

-forget TomTom HOME for now, shut that sucker down and tuck it away for later.

-next, take the 510 off of the docking station (make sure the docking station is in a back port) do a soft reset on it (10 seconds is good) and then put it back on the docking station and power it on.

-Next, I'd go to tomtom.com and under the support tab I'd type 6.02 and get the link for that (this is the base software if you cannot get TomTom HOME to download the application or get it to recognize you device for now)

-download 6.02 and save it to your desktop and then open it up and install it onto the 510 (this will work if there is a computer connection established and the screen changes on the TomTom)

-once that is installed onto the device, make sure you safely disconnect from the USB port by using the eject hardware in the lower right hand corner of the desktop screen (I'm using XP and it is a green arrow over a drive, just right click it and it should walk you through from there)

-I'd then check the TomTom device and see if that red x is gone. If it is, then try to reconnect to the computer and download your updates using HOME, see if that makes a difference

Fingers crossed, I'll check a little later to see if you got your 510 working. Keep at it!
Yeah, I get the big black screen that says "Please connect your TomTom device using a USB cable, and turn it on"

This is because you are still having trouble getting your device to be seen in Wondows. You'll never get that to come up until you have this fixed. curare99is trying to help but I don't think we have the whoel picture here....

One step at a time. Don't throw a bunch of stuff at him and try it all at once. That will just make things more confusing.

One thought is that perhaps something happened to your USB cable? Do you have a didigial camera that came with a USB cable? same end connections? Try that....
battom is right, my computer only sees my tomtom as a mass storage device (Labeled in My Computer as Removable Disk H). When I go into it's properties, I then see it labeled "Tom Tom Go"
I got it at Amazon. I did pick up the extra 2 year warranty. So, I'm covered, I just wish I could get this to work...
Can you make a bullet list of everything you've tried so far? on the XP system... It's the weekend and some users aren't here to help. I need a fresh look at what you've tried in one post instead of reading and deciphering.
Im getting into this late. can someone give me a quick run down of what's happening?

can the computer see the 510?
can home see the 510?
is the SD card corrupted?
Full update:

-TT bought Thursday, and worked great, even played with the features.

-docked on computer to load home and browse Plus. Tomtom would not power up. Looked on website, TT.com suggests that you do a hard reset in order to restore. (Because I had problems on the first dock, I have no backup)

-Performed hard reset which is how I arrived in the TT's current state of sometimes just a green and white outline of a TT, and other times an animation of the SD card coming out with a RED X

-Tried "Selecting Device", rebooting computer, rebooting home, powering off TT and docking then starting home and powering up. Tried soft resets and hard resets since then.

-Computer sees TT, calls it a mass storage device, but a TT go when you look at the storage devices properties. Device is enabled in Device Manager. Cannot format card through TT from XP. (I don't have a card reader either) When I put the card in the built-in card reader on my Dell Vista, it crashed Windows Explorer, and makes me logoff and back on. Vista will not boot with card in either.

-It seems that the TT is being all nicey-nice with the computer, but won't respond at all to Home. Therefore, I cannot use Home to install anything to the TT, and my TT has transformed into a nice paper-weight.

I think that just about covers it. I'm thinking I need a magical way to reinstall the software on the SD card w/o using home.
What kind of red x is it?

Is it the red x over the hand letting you know not to disconnect from the HOME dock?

A suggestion is to try to connect with another computer.
-Tried connecting on 2 separate computers. Both have latest versions of home, both don't respond. The red X is on an animation of the SD Card coming out of the TT.
Your symptoms show classic signs that your Device was conected/disconnected improperly to your PC. Your SD card is toast. Unless you can find a reader to format it or find another SD card you will have to return your unit. It may even be that the ability for your TT can no longer read your SD Card too. This is why you are seeing the red X, it doesn't think there is a card in it.

Try finding a way to format the card in another computer...anywhere or get another card. IF neither of those work, you should plan on exchaninging your unit.

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