Route planner not working

Oct 3, 2011
I have over 100 places stored on my tomtom. This morning I was trying to add a new place and the planner would not save it. I later returned to find all my places had disappeared! My routes are still there but it will not allow me to add a new place. I am logged in and have reset my computer. My places are still on Mydrive for ipad and my tomtom. . Any ideas?
I have over 100 places stored on my tomtom. This morning I was trying to add a new place and the planner would not save it. I later returned to find all my places had disappeared! My routes are still there but it will not allow me to add a new place. I am logged in and have reset my computer. My places are still on Mydrive for ipad and my tomtom. . Any ideas?
To try, disconnect from Mydrive on your GPS then reconnect with the correct identifiers.
My Tomtom is dead for adding a new map om the SD. Going next week to France and Hungary, and no map. AND I discovered I'm banned for spamming?? Uh??

Both the GO520 and SUPREME will not update. WHY was Gaea's message not found??
My Tomtom is dead for adding a dnew map om the SD. Going next week to France and Hungary, and no map. AND I discovered I'm banned for spamming?? Uh??

Both the GO520 and SUPREME will not update. WHY was Gaea's message not found??
Remove your SD from the GPS then add the France and Hungary maps to the internal GPS memory.

. WHY was Gaea's message not found??
The message has been deleted.
Yes, thank you. I'll do that before leaving since I have 2 units. Thank you for getting back to me, and the suggestion.

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