Urgent:TomTom ONE 140 IQ Routes- Map Does Not Work on this Device

Aug 20, 2009
Last night my girlfriend got me this TomTom ONE 140 and it worked great. Today at work I hooked it up to my computer and installed all of the updates.

When I tried using the device it said the map doesn't work for this device. I've tried removing the device from the TomTom and downloading it again but I'm getting an error message. Is there anyway for me to get back the factory loaded map? I need it for a trip tomorrow.
Did you make a backup of the device before you started to upgrade it? if so simply re-install the backup, if not you will have to phone TomTom customer support - Mike
There's a new map that was just released from TomTom within the last few days. The new US/Can/Mex map is listed in HOME as being 1989MB, and the 140 has only 2GB of storage. So when you try to update it, the install will fail because the file is too large.

This happened with the last update and angered a lot of new 140 owners that had the same problem you're having. Loads of bad reviews popped up on many websites before TomTom released a 2GB condensed version of the map for these devices.

So, since TomTom knows these new larger maps don't work on the 2GB models, why would they still release a new map without also releasing the smaller version of the map simultaneously? (anyone?)

There is, however, a 2GB version of the new 835 North America map (US and Canada only), and a 2GB version of the US/Mex map which leads me to believe that TomTom is going to stop making small versions of the US/Can/Mex map and force owners of 2GB models to either buy a new unit or buy the US/Can or US/Mex map.
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I was trying to update my XL-340S from 825 to 835, and the update failed. After two calls to TomTom about my failed map update, a lot of messing around with reinstalling the application software, and general uncertainty, I got an agent who knew what the problem was. Again TomTom released maps that are too big for the One 140 and XL-340 series.

The agent said they had the same issue when 830 came out, but eventually ended up shrinking the size to make it fit in the 2 GB of RAM available in the 140 and 340. She said that TomTom was aware of the size issue, and are looking into making 835 fit, but had no idea when it would be resized to fit in the 140 and 340.

As a temporary fix until 835 is fixed, they gave me Version 830. Funny that I was not offered that upgrade during my first 30 days. It appears that TomTom locked the 140/340 at the 825 map released with the product even after 830 came out. So much for the LMG program. I have been installing the update, and it's going slow. I just passed the four hour mark to install a 1.6 GB map. I'm told this is normal, but it sure seems SLOW to me.

I asked about going forward with the Map Update Service I signed up for yesterday, and she was "hopeful" that they won't have the same size issue in future map releases. I sure hope TomTom fixes their procedures as I don't have to go through this mess every time an update is released.

I personally would not mind if I had to drop Mexico to make the map fit, and I think that zmower's idea of offering either Canada or Mexico would be okay. Unfortunately, however, one of the "selling" points of the 140/340 US, Canada and Mexico maps.
Thanks for reporting your conversation with TT support about this issue. It saves the rest of us a bunch of time on hold.
I unzipped the file and deleted the cspeech files. The remaining files take up 1.63 GB of space. I have more free space on my 140S than that. I don't understand why the new map won't fit.

Another puzzlement---I download version number 835.2460. This is the version that shows on my computer. After I install it on my device, the version number on the device is 835.2419
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When you say the version number showing on your unit, is that when you tap the satellite bars and then tap the version number?
No. This is the version number which shows in home when I click on "manage device" or "manage my TomTom" or something like that.

I don't even get satellite bars in my device---just an error message.
There is, however, a 2GB version of the new 835 North America map (US and Canada only), and a 2GB version of the US/Mex map which leads me to believe that TomTom is going to stop making small versions of the US/Can/Mex map and force owners of 2GB models to either buy a new unit or buy the US/Can or US/Mex map.

The 2GB North America map is for GO devices. It achieves 2GB by removing non-Gas, non-food POIs.

Tomtom's got themselves in a pickle, they advertised USA/Canada/Mexico, they advertised 7 million POIs, and they sold it in a barely fitting 2GB ram, unexpandable device.

This is getting silly, they should have learned the first time.

Has anyone tried formatting the Tomtom, installing the app with zero voices, and seeing if the map would install? The voices should have space to fit.

Also, has anyone tried a manual map install? To do a manual install, go to mydocuments\tomtom\home\download\complete\map and look for the latest subfolder. Open the subfolder and extract the contents of the new "USA_Canada_Mexico.zip" file onto your tomtom map folder. Then open the activation.cab file with winrar and put the file inside on the same tomtom map folder.

If anyone gets 835 working, can they post back to help others?
The 2GB North America map is for GO devices. It achieves 2GB by removing non-Gas, non-food POIs.

Just for clarification.......the poi set with the 2GB set does indeed contain pois in all the other categories (besides Gas & Food), just not nearly the quantity the full poi set contains.
140s/340s map update

I tried updating my 140s to 835 and got 'map can ont be used on this device'.

I also had the space problem updating to 830 when it came out. I assume TomTom drpped some POIs when they finally got 830 to fit.

I would be quite willing to get a free downgrade to the 2GB USA/Canada IQ Routes map if it meant that we got a full POI set and a map that would load properly on release.
I would be quite willing to get a free downgrade to the 2GB USA/Canada IQ Routes map if it meant that we got a full POI set and a map that would load properly on release.

Agreed, with the key word there being "free."

It really is ridiculous that TomTom hasn't fixed this issue yet. I mean, with the update before this (the first time their map was too large for 2GB models) they were caught a bit off guard. Someone should have noticed the size problem as the update trickled down the pipes of development, but whatever, everyone makes mistakes. But to release another update after they know for sure it won't work on some of their devices is just ludicrous. Totally unacceptable business in my book.

I love their gps units, but if they don't straighten out this nonsense quickly, they're going to start losing customers to a brand that can work with the equipment it manufactures.
I'm a little fed up with this.

I knew they had delayed it because of the size. But when I saw the new map update I figured they fixed it. Wrong!

Now I don't have any maps at all!!! WTF?!? Unacceptable!!

Yes I backed up my device, but the average consumer will not. This is just wrong.

I'm seriously thinking about ditching TomTom for a Garmin device.

I'm pretty forgiving on technology products, but this is just incompetence. Seriously, WTF!!
Other have posted that if you call Tomtom phone support up, they will activate map 830 on your account for immediate download, and will set your account up to give you 835 once a shrunken version is available.
I tried removing the speech files from the "upgrade" map and manually installed it. On startup I get an error message saying that I can't use the map.

I'm going to call customer service later today. I'd like to get the newest US/Canada map with full poi's. I'm in the D.C. area and the roads are constantly changing. Any older version would already be out of date around here.
Hi all

Add another 140S owner that has had map upgrade issues and received the "cannot use this map on this device" message.

I detailed my full experience in a separate thread (I felt it would have been too lengthy for a reply in this one)
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I just purchased 140S and LMG offer me map 835 which is close to 2GB as reported by many users here. I called TT tech support today and ask them about this issue. To my surprise, I was talking to a tech with almost no wait time. Lucky me. :p Anyway, he told me that TT is aware of the issue that the map will not fit into 104S, yet there is no resolution. So I asked him if it is possible to downgrade my map to North America without Mexico which I don't need. He actually did it for me. I now downloading the North America 2GB version 835 map which is only 1607MB. Hopefully everything work as plan. So...in the future, I should not have this file too big problem anymore. :D
PLEASE............make a full Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit's contents. Ensure hidden files/folders are showing. Hopefully BEFORE the map installation and, if it works, FOR SURE after the installation!!
Yes, I've done that already. Thanks for the reminder. The download is still going....it's taking a looooonnnnnggggg time.
So I asked him if it is possible to downgrade my map to North America without Mexico which I don't need....

Be aware that the North America 2GB map has a reduced set of POIs. In my opinion I would have taken the shrunken map USA/CAN/MAP map 830 because of the larger POI file.

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