I was trying to update my XL-340S from 825 to 835, and the update failed. After two calls to TomTom about my failed map update, a lot of messing around with reinstalling the application software, and general uncertainty, I got an agent who knew what the problem was. Again TomTom released maps that are too big for the One 140 and XL-340 series.
The agent said they had the same issue when 830 came out, but eventually ended up shrinking the size to make it fit in the 2 GB of RAM available in the 140 and 340. She said that TomTom was aware of the size issue, and are looking into making 835 fit, but had no idea when it would be resized to fit in the 140 and 340.
As a temporary fix until 835 is fixed, they gave me Version 830. Funny that I was not offered that upgrade during my first 30 days. It appears that TomTom locked the 140/340 at the 825 map released with the product even after 830 came out. So much for the LMG program. I have been installing the update, and it's going slow. I just passed the four hour mark to install a 1.6 GB map. I'm told this is normal, but it sure seems SLOW to me.
I asked about going forward with the Map Update Service I signed up for yesterday, and she was "hopeful" that they won't have the same size issue in future map releases. I sure hope TomTom fixes their procedures as I don't have to go through this mess every time an update is released.
I personally would not mind if I had to drop Mexico to make the map fit, and I think that zmower's idea of offering either Canada or Mexico would be okay. Unfortunately, however, one of the "selling" points of the 140/340 US, Canada and Mexico maps.