TomTom 740 live green power light constantly on

Feb 4, 2011
Hi all, im new here, and i was hoping to get some advice. I recently brought a Tomtom go 740 live, after my 720t broke. The green light on the top is constantly on, except when it turns orange when plugged in. Is this normal, that even when you turn it off, the green light stays on? The battery dosent hold charge very well, and ive just changed the battery, but nothings changed. Ive left it charging through USB all day, and when i switch it on, it lasts about 10 secs and goes off. Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give.
It is normal for the light to be green when the unit is connected to a computer using the usb cable or to the car with the car charger.
Thanks for the quick reply!! I tought it might be normal for the light to be on all the time when plugged in, but is it normal for the light to be on when not plugged in with the unit switched off??
No, then it is not normal for the light to be on.

The presence of the light signifies that external power is being received by the unit.

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