TomTom740Live screen issues

Nov 10, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
When my TT comes on it shows very small white print....begins with "Hardware Type" etc. It restarts and restarts with these words showing and it goes to a second page with small type info. Then it is like it is frozen on these pages.
I reset and reset then on one of the restarts it goes to correct beginning page. Sometimes it stays corrected and other times it goes into the restart mode and shows the tiny words.
I have been to web and updated. TT home says updated but doesn't indicate any problems. What should I do next? TIA
Connect to the computer and make an Explorer, not Home, backup. See here:

Then, in Home-->Manage my Device (2nd page)-->Items on Device-->application, select to remove.

Items on Computer-->application, remove that as well.

Disconnect properly from Home using the Device Disconnect icon. Restart the device. Connect to computer.

In Home-->Update my Computer-->an application should be offered. Install and disconnect properly from Home using the Device Disconnect icon.

Restart the device and see if it is better.

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